
Christ and Culture

by Klaas Schilder, 1890-1952.Translation of Christus en CultuurISBN 0-88756-008-31. Christianity and Culture. I. Title.BR115.C8S313 261.5 C77-002118-2Copyright© G van Rongen and W. Helder, 1977A note on the text    This translation was published by Premier Printing...

The Almost Christian

The chapter, out of which the text is taken, contains an admirable account which the great St. Paul gave of his wonderful conversion from Judaism to Christianity, when he was called to make his defense before Festus a Gentile governor, and king Agrippa. Our blessed...

The Benefits of an Early Piety

(Preached at Bow Church, London, before the Religious Societies.)The amiableness of religion in itself, and the innumerable advantages that flow from it to society in general, as well as to each sincere professor in particular, cannot but recommend it to the choice of...

Six Day Creation

The Position of the Westminster StandardsThe Westminster Standards teach that the world was created in “the space of six days” (Latin: sex dierum spatium).1 Just on the face of it, this language appears to refer to a chronological sequence of six...