
Christians and Demons

From time to time teachings circulate through the body of Christ that are neither Scripturally nor historically held.  The Apostle Paul calls such unsound teaching “wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14).” Tragically, as these winds blow through the church...

Seeing Our City

It has rightly been said that Europe is looked over by millions of travelers and overlooked by millions of believers. Such was not the case with Paul, who, on his third missionary journey, went to Europe not as a sight-seer, but as a soul-winner.Here in Chapter 18,...

The Hush of Heaven

The Apostle John is writing to a group of people who are picked on, put down, beat up, and persecuted as they are fed to lions, crucified upside down, and ignited as candles by the hand of the Roman Empire. As you read the book of Revelation, keep this backdrop in...