ASTROLOGY help, hoax, or harm?
AUTHOR: Ross, Dr. Hugh
PUBLISHED ON: April 24, 2003
TAGS: astrology

ASTROLOGY help, hoax, or harm?

by Dr. Hugh Ross

In order to unravel any possible confusion over what astrology is, I would like
to begin by establishing what it is not. First, astrology is not science,
though a number of its adherents claim it to be so. How can I make such a
strong statement? Consider the following points:


.   bases horoscopes on the moment of birth, not the moment of
    conception when, in fact, ones genetic characteristics are

.   ignores the gravitational forces of non-solar system bodies
    (e.g. the pull of gravity by the obstetrician upon a newborn
    child is about six times greater than that of Mars);

.   treats the various nuclear, magnetic, and gravitational forces
    exerted by solar system bodies (e.g. the sun, planets, moons,
    asteroids, comets, etc.) as if they were of the same magnitude.
    In reality, differences of many orders of magnitude were long
    ago verified by research;

.   ignores significant solar system bodies, e.g. Uranus, Neptune,
    Pluto, asteroids, comets, etc.;

.   fails to take into account tidal forces, also gravitational
    differences resulting from the irregular shape of some solar
    system bodies;

.   ignores the motion of the Sun with respect to other stars and
    with respect to the center of the galaxy;

.   omits two constellations along the ecliptic (the RpathS of the
    planets and other bodies in our solar system);

.   fails to provide conclusive evidence of a direct causal link
    between celestial positions or RaspectsS and human personality
    and interactions.

For these and many other reasons, 186 leading astronomers and physicists signed
a statement, published in a 1975 issue of Humanist magazine, denouncing
astrology as having no scientific foundation whatever.

      All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let
      your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make
      predictions month by month, let them save you from what
      is coming upon you. Surely they are like stubble; the
      fire will burn them up . . .       Isaiah
      47:13-14 ( NIV)

Second, astrology cannot be considered a harmless pasttime. To claim so is
as big a mistake as calling it a scientific discipline. Astrology does, in
deed, produce certain effects in the lives of devotees, and the prophecies it
generates may be occasionally and/or partially accurate. For some individuals
its personality profiles may seem fairly precise, too. Where real power is in
evidence, it is supernatural; however, it cannot be considered good, or even

l. Why not? Consider these points from both Biblical and empirical

1) Many astrological forecasts become self-fulfilling; a person is
tempted to make them come true by his own decisions and actions. Thus,
he opens himself to the influence of a force (really a mind or a
personality) outside his reason and conscience. And, when this force
contradicts what is real or right or best, harmful conflicts can and do

2) As a person consents to receive revelations and guidance through an
astrologer, or medium (one who possesses powers described in the
Bible as belonging to Satan and his demons), he comes increasingly under
the control of that medium. He may be lured toward becoming a medium,
himself. In any case, numerous studies show that the ultimate impact of
his involvement includes a loss of ability to trust and care for others,
repeated and severe sieges of suicidal depression, and a debilitating
to fear.

The Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites: I will set my face
against the person who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute
himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people.”

                    Leviticus 20:6 (NIV)

3) A person who opens himself to the influence of astrology exposes
himself not only to the consequences described above, but also to the
judgment of God clearly pronounced in the Bible against those who
consult mediums.

4) Tragically, one who accepts the influence of astrology into his life
misses out on the blessings and benefits of a relationship with the God
of the universe a relationship established through Jesus Christ, alone.

Unlike the revelations of astrologers, God’s revelations in His word are 100%
accurate. Dependence upon God and His word lead to ever-increasing love, joy,
peace, faith, hope, and other desirable qualities (see Galations 5:22), plus
the countless delights of eternity with Him.

There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter
to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or
an enchanter, or a witch. Deuteronomy 18:10 (KJV)

Since the scriptures make clear that God’s wrath will fall upon anyone who
practises astrology or seriously listens to astrologers, what about the
Christian who becomes involved? Many Christians I know have listened to
astrologers or toyed with astrology out of ignorance, unaware that they were
flirting with evil. Upon discovering the true nature of astrology, they at
once publicly repudiated their former involvement. God completely forgives
such individuals and protects them from any further consequences.

For the “Christian” who despite Biblical injunctions refuses to renounce
astrology, we have the words of Jesus (Matthew 6:24): “No one can serve two mas
ters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to
the one and despise the other.” Paul reiterates this warning in I Corinthians
10:21: “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too.” In
other words, there is reason to question a person’s commitment to Christ, and
hence his salvation, if he refuses to sever any and all connection with
astrology. To the believer who rebels in this matter, Paul gave a more
specific warning in I Corinthians 10:9: “We should not test the Lord as some of
them [the Israelites] did, and were killed by snakes.” Ananias and Sapphira
(Acts 4:32 – 5:11) serve as New Testament examples of the severity of God’s
loving discipline.

Let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. I Be merciful to those who doubt;
snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with
fear hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.

            Hebrews 4:14 Jude 22-23 (NIV)

Hugh Ross Director
of Reasons to Believe
P.O. Box 5978 Pasadena,
CA 91107 (818) 355-6058
Copyrighted (c)1987

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