A Prayer For Those Who Are Stressed
(Author Unknown)
Lord, I need your help. I am feeling the strain of stress. My body is
agitated by worry and fear. I confess to you my inability to handle it
alone. I surrender my mind to you.
Take charge of the control center of my brain. Think your thoughts through
me and send into my nervous system the pure signals of your peace, power
and patients.
I don’t want to have a divided mind fragmented from your control. Forgive
my angers rooted in petulant self-will. Make me a channel, a riverbed, of
Your love to others suffering as much stress as I.
Help me act on the inspiration You gave me rather than stifling Your
guidance. Take charge of my tongue so that it becomes an instrument of
healing. Make me a communicator of love and forgiveness as I cheer others
on to their best.
I commit my schedule to you, Lord: help me to know and do your will. Guide
me in doing your will on your timing so that I don’t burn out doing the
things I don’t really want to do, or fearing to do what is your best for
Set me free from the tyranny of acquisitiveness and the lust of seeking my
security in things rather than in my relationship with you. I long to be
the person you created me to be and not anyone else.
Forgive me when I take my signals of success from others and not you. Most
of all, Lord, help me to catch the drumbeat of your guidance and live by
your timing.
Here is my life – invade it, fill it, transform it. And I thank you in
advance for the healing of my life and for giving me strength to conquer
the stress of daily life.

A Prayer For Those Who Are Stressed
AUTHOR: Unknown
PUBLISHED ON: April 10, 2003
PUBLISHED IN: Christian Living
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