An Invitation to join Family Radio’s School
AUTHOR: Otero, Dr. Gabriel
PUBLISHED ON: May 6, 2003
PUBLISHED IN: Bible Studies

PER:An invitation to join Family Radio’s School

On behalf of the board of directors, faculty, and staff of
Family Radio School of the Bible (FRSB), I am pleased to extend
to you a three-fold invitation.

We invite you to learn about our correspondence school though
the pages of this catalog. It contains basic information about
our curriculum, its biblical foundation, and its evangelistic

You may study for two years as a degree candidate or for one
year in our Bible certificate program or for any number of years
in our spiritual enrichment program.

We invite you to share in the goal of our school, which is to
prepare workers in the Word of God for the gathering and growth
of Christ’s church.

Academic excellence, curricular specialization, and goal
directed training flourish at FRSB, dominated by the Holy Spirit
and the Word of God.

We invite you to study with us.

Happily Serving Him,

Dr. Gabriel Otero, Dean


FRSB is a private school in compliance with Law #94303b of the
State of California. As a non-profit institution the school is
limited to the teaching of God’s Word in accordance with the
statement of faith of Family Stations, Inc. Family Stations, Inc.
is registered as a non-profit organization in the State of

California this allows FRSB to work within the structure of its
corporation laws.

Our school offers three study programs: a two-year curriculum,
a one-year curriculum, and individual course study. All of our
courses focus on Bible and Missionary topics. Our courses provide
academic training that will enable students to effectively study
the Word of God.

FRSB is primarily a correspondence school. All courses are
conducted by mail.

FRSB is not an accredited school. However, credits for our
classes may be accepted by liberal arts, community, Bible, and
other colleges. To transfer credits, the student must arrange and
secure the transfer with the school he desires to attend. FRSB is
not responsible for the acceptance or rejection of credits.

We urge you to study your needs carefully, and that you give
prayerful thought to making an application for admission to FRSB.
We regard studying with our school not as a right, but a
privilege offered not only by the board of directors, but also
the sacrifice of those who faithfully support Family Stations,


FRSB offers biblical studies for God’s people. Our interest is
to train men and women to serve on the front lines of church and
missions…for Christ’s glory. That is what FRSB is all about–a
Bible school where dedicated Christians are molded into effective
witnesses and workers for God.

Our school is unique. It is one of the few schools in the
United States which is structured upon the infallible Word of
God, as interpreted by itself, comparing Scripture with

It is our desire to give Christians the needed biblical
knowledge and skills for effective service in evangelism through
church or missions, and for effective Christian witness in all
areas of life.

Our function is to provide students with a firm foundation of
biblical knowledge. We present the Bible as the inspired and
authoritative Word of God, interpreted by comparative research,
using the Bible as the sole source of truth.

Beyond our courses, we attempt to help our students grow
spiritually through chapel services, Day in the Word seminars,
and summer Bible conferences. The school covets for all its
students a right personal relationship with God through the Lord
Jesus Christ, and a capacity for meaningful relations with other

In accordance with our articles of incorporation, FRSB provides
systematic teaching and training for:

1) Lay people who desire to grow in the Word of God.

2) Lay workers in various church activities.

3) Continuing education of Pastors.

4) Equipping believers spiritually as well as

The men and women who teach at FRSB have a warm-hearted
commitment to Christ, specialized academic qualifications, and a
deep interest in the expansion of the Word of God. Some are
pastors and others have experience as missionaries and teachers
in various parts of the world.


We do affirm and declare our belief in the Christian faith and do
set forth the following:

The Bible, as the divinely inspired and authoritative Word of God.

The Triune Godhead, in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
as sovereign Creator and ruler of the universe.

The personality of Satan, and his present control over
unregenerate man.

The fall and lost condition of man, whose total depravity makes
necessary his new birth

The deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, death, bodily
resurrection, present exaltation at God’s right hand, and His
coming again.

The reconciliation of man to God by the substitutionary death and
shed blood of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

The resurrection of the saved unto everlasting life and
blessedness in Heaven, and the resurrection of the unsaved
unto everlasting punishment in Hell.

The Church, the indivisible Body of Christ, bound together by the
Holy Spirit, consisting only of those who are born again, for
whom He now makes intercession in Heaven, and for whom He
shall come again.

Christ’s great commission to the Church to go into all the world
and preach the Gospel to every creature, baptizing and
teaching those who believe.


The two-year course of study leading to the Associate of
Religious Education degree is designed as a basic educational
preparation for Christians in anticipation of their service in
their local church or on the mission field. In order to earn the
A.R.E. degree a student must satisfactorily complete (2.0 grade
or higher) 63 semester units in the following manner:

(ENT) English New Testament 24 units

(EOT) English Old Testament 9 units

(LS) Language Studies 6 units

(PBT) Practical Biblical Theology 12 units

(THE) Theology 12 units

63 units


Semester 1: 11 Units

ENT 112: The Gospel of Mark, Ch. 1-8 (3)

ENT 142: I Corinthians, Ch. 1-8 (3)

PBT 101: Practical Biblical Theology:

The Christian Character (3)

THE 100: The Doctrines of Grace (2)

Semester 2: 11 Units

ENT 113: The Gospel of Mark, Ch. 9-16 (3)

ENT 143: I Corinthians, Ch. 9-16 (3)

PBT 102: Christian Growth (3)

THE 101: Principles of Bible Study (2)

Semester 3: 10.5 Units

ENT 100: New Testament Survey (3)

EOT 160: Hosea (3)

LS 101 a,b: Elementary Greek (1.5)

PBT 103: Christian Conflicts (3)


Semester 4: 9.5 Units

EOT 100: Old Testament Survey (3)

LS 101 c: Elementary Greek (1.5)

PBT 104: Christian Behavior (3)

THE 112: The Timing of Christ’s Coming (2) Semester 5: 10.5 Units

EOT 101: Old Testament Survey (3)

ENT 140: Romans Ch. 1-9 (3)

LS 120 a: Elementary Hebrew (1.5)

THE 110: Israel in Prophecy (3)

Semester 6: 10.5 Units

ENT 141: Romans 10-16 (3)

ENT 144: Galatians (3)

LS 120 b: Elementary Hebrew (1.5)

THE 111: Israel in Prophecy (3)

The numbers enclosed in () indicate semester units.


APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION: All students applying to FRSB must
complete the application provided by FRSB. All students applying
for the Associate in Religious Education degree or Bible

Certificate Program must provide a high school transcript or
equivalent. The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is not required.

Students who are in the Spiritual Enrichment Program need not
send their high school transcripts. If a student who is enrolled
in the Spiritual Enrichment Program later wishes to enter the
degree program or Bible Certificate Program, he must furnish his
high school transcripts.

CHRISTIAN CHARACTER: Those applying to FRSB will be expected to
have high Christian ideals and to desire a mature Christian
character. The school welcomes such students and encourages them
in God’s Church and Kingdom. Students should regard their talents
as gifts from God which must be developed through diligent study.

FEES: The tuition at FRSB is free and follows the purpose of
Family Stations, Inc. as a non-profit organization: the Lord said
it best, “…freely you have received [the Gospel] freely give”
(Mt. 10:8). Correspondence students will receive study booklets,
tapes, and academic counseling by mail, free of charge. FRSB does
encourage its students and friends to give generously to the
ministry of Family Stations, Inc., so that the work of the school
can continue.

TRANSFERRED CREDITS: FRSB will not require the transfer of
credits from other schools. However, if a student is pursuing the
Associate of Religious Education degree, FRSB requires that he
take all of our required courses even if he has taken comparable
courses in other institutions. The only exception to this is if
comparable language studies were taken.


FRSB offers three correspondence programs of study. The first
is an Associate of Religious Education Degree program (A.R.E.)
which is a two year course of study. Upon completion of the
requirements the student will be granted an A.R.E. degree and

The second study program is our Bible Certificate Program. This
program includes many of the same courses as the A.R.E. degree
program, but is limited to one year of study. The students will
receive a Bible certificate upon successful complete of the
required curriculum.

The third study program is our Spiritual Enrichment Program. In
this program students will be able to study any of our courses. A
course certificate will be issued upon successful completion of
the course or series.


Purpose: The purpose of the two-year correspondence degree
program is to give our students a good understanding of the
Scriptures. Through the Old and New Testament survey courses the
students will be familiarized with the Bible as a whole. Specific
book studies such as Hosea, Mark, I Corinthians, Romans, and
Galatians will help the students to understand the ministry of
Christ and the Church. The curriculum also deals with many
important theological issues such as: the authority of God’s
Word, salvation, and eschatology; issues that are extremely
important in the Christian life.

In the first semester, students will study the doctrines of
grace which will focus on the nature and meaning of salvation. In
semesters 1-4, the student will study the Practical Biblical
Theology series from which they will gain valuable insights in
living the Christian life on a day-by-day basis. In the second
semester, students will study principles of Bible study which
will give them a systematic approach to unlocking the Scriptures.
In semesters 3-6 students will be exposed to the original
biblical languages which will help them in their Bible study.

In the final two semesters students will study Israel in
Prophecy, a course which will help them to understand

This program is well rounded, intended to give each student a
firm biblical foundation and most importantly to teach them how
to search the Scriptures.

After satisfactory completion (2.0 grade or higher) of the 63
units required for the program the student will be granted an
Associate of Arts in Religious Education degree.


This is a special program in which students can study with us
for one year and receive a Bible certificate upon satisfactory
completion (2.0 grade or higher) of the required curriculum.
Please refer to the curriculum for the Bible Certificate Program
for more information.


In this program, students may enroll in any of the courses
offered in the A.R.E. degree program, but do not have to complete
them all or in the sequence of the degree program. This allows
the student to select those courses which are of most interest to
him. In this course of study, a student may not enroll in more
than two courses at a time. A certificate of completion will be
issued upon satisfactory completion (2.0 grade or higher) of the
course. If the student later decides to enroll in the degree
program any completed courses will be credited toward his degree.


Since we are a correspondence school, we are not limited to an
academic calendar. A student may apply to the school at any time
and if accepted will be able to begin his studies immediately.
The school is set up on the semester system, therefore each
student who is enrolled in the degree program will be given three
months to complete each semester of study. When a student has
completed his work for the semester, he will be given a one month
break before his next semester’s studies will begin.


For those who live in the San Francisco Bay Area there is a
special opportunity. Mrs. Raquel Otero teaches Spanish language
classes which are geared to preparing people to learn Spanish for
missionary purposes either overseas or at home. Please call the
school at (415) 568-6200, ext. 220, for more information about
these courses.


The one-year Bible Certificate program is designed similarly to
the degree program to help believers minister more effectively in
their churches. In order to earn the Bible Certificate a student
must satisfactorily complete (2.0 grade or higher) 39 units in
the following manner:

(ENT) English New Testament 15 units

(EOT) English Old Testament 6 units

(LS) Language Studies 6 units

(PBT) Practical Biblical Theology 12 units


39 units

Quarter 1:

PBT 101: Practical Biblical Theology:

The Christian Character (3)

ENT 112: The Gospel of Mark, Ch. 1-8 (3)

EOT 160: Hosea (3)

LS 101 a,b: Elementary Greek (1.5)

Quarter 2:

PBT 102: Christian Growth (3)

ENT 113: The Gospel of Mark, Ch. 9-16 (3)

ENT 142: I Corinthians, Ch. 1-8 (3)

LS 101 b,c: Elementary Greek (1.5)

Quarter 3:

PBT 103: Christian Conflicts (3)

ENT 100: New Testament Survey (3)

ENT 143: I Corinthians, Ch. 9-16 (3)

LS 120 a: Elementary Hebrew (1.5)

Quarter 4:

PBT 104: Christian Behavior (3)

EOT 100: Old Testament Survey (3)

LS 120 b: Elementary Hebrew (1.5)

The numbers enclosed in () indicate units.



EOT 100,101 Old Testament Survey (3,3)

An overview of all the Old Testament books emphasizing God’s plan
of redemption.

EOT 160: Hosea (3)

An in-depth study of the book of Hosea focusing on the prophet
and his ministry during one of the darkest periods of the nation
of Israel. Great emphasis is placed on Hosea’s particular message
to Israel.


ENT 100 New Testament Survey (3)

An overview of all of the New Testament books with an emphasis
placed on Christ as the key of the Scriptures.

ENT 112,113 The Gospel of Mark (3,3)

A fascinating study of the life of the Lord as He intermingles
with the pious and profane, proclaiming His kingdom. In
particular the course focuses in on the parables of the Lord,
which He used to unveil the secrets of Heaven.

ENT 140,141 The Epistle to the Romans (3,3)

What is God’s will for all mankind? What is God’s will for me?
These are the big questions answered in this epistle. This
course examines these questions in light of the righteousness of

ENT 142,143 The First Epistle to the Corinthians (3,3)

Jesus said, “You cannot serve God and Mammon.” This epistle
examines the serious conflict between the spiritual and the
material, especially in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

ENT 144 Galatians (3)

Focuses extensively on the issues of Law and Grace. What is the
purpose of the Law? How does it relate to the Gospel of Grace?
How do these issues relate to our churches today? These questions
will be dealt with in this study.



LS 101, 102 Elementary New Testament Greek (3,3)

A beginning study of the language of the New Testament. An
emphasis is placed on learning Greek grammar and vocabulary.

LS 201, 202: Intermediate New Testament Greek (3,3)

An Intermediate Study of the Greek language with a continued
emphasis on learning Greek grammar and vocabulary. Students will
be required to translate portions of the New Testament.

Prerequisite: LS 102.


LS 120 Elementary Hebrew (3)

An introduction into the Hebrew language learning its alphabet,
phonology, grammar, and vocabulary in order to prepare the
student for beginning translation work.


LS 110: Elementary Spanish (3) *

Course includes review and development of grammatical concepts as
taught in beginning Spanish as well as further practice in
reading and writing.

LS 111: Elementary Spanish (3) *

This course is designed to increase vocabulary and to improve
listening comprehension, pronunciation accuracy, grammar control,
and reading skills. Prerequisite: LS 110.

LS 112: Intermediate Spanish (3) *

Development of grammatical concepts taught in LS 110 and LS 111.
Course is designed to develop control of oral communication
skills at an advanced level by practicing conversation and
presentations in class. There will be some reading and writing
exercises. Prerequisite: LS 111.

LS 113: Spanish Cultural Studies (3) *

A study of Hispanic culture from its origins until modern times.
This course will examine the structures and values of Hispanic
people through cultural expression, literature, and visual arts.
Prerequisite: LS 112.

* Classes are not available through correspondence.


PBT 101 Christian Character (3)

A study of how Christian Character is developed through the
disciplines of humility, love, purity, integrity, generosity, and

PBT 102 Christian Growth (3)

This course deals with Christian growth in the midst of personal
conflict, confrontation, and difficult life circumstances.
Prerequisite: PBT 101.

PBT 103 Christian Conflicts (3)

A study of the major sources of conflict in the Christian life:
the world, the flesh, and the devil. Prerequisite: PBT 102.

PBT 104 Christian Behavior (3)

A revealing study of the Beatitudes as a guideline for Christian
behavior. Prerequisite: PBT 103.


THE 100 Doctrines of Grace (2)

This course looks at the central doctrines of Christian faith:
man’s rebellion against God, the consequences of sin, God’s
salvation plan, and the question of man’s responsibility verses
God’s sovereignty.

THE 101 Principles of Bible Study (2)

Analyzing the three main principles of Bible study: its
authority, interpretation, and parabolic language. This course is
essential for proper Bible study.

THE 110,111 Israel in Prophecy (3,3)

What is the future of the nation of Israel? Does God owe them any
future blessings? Does the return of national Israel to its land
in 1948 relate to biblical promises? These and other questions
will be examined in this course.

THE 112 The Timing of the Rapture (2)

A study of seven scriptural passages which teach the timing of
Christ’s return.

Family Radio School of the Bible (FRSB) presents the Layman’s
Home Bible Study Program. This is a program designed for laymen
to help equip them for the work of the ministry. Perhaps you
have felt the need of taking some Bible courses to help you as
you minister at your church, on the job, or at home; but because
of time considerations or finances, you have never been able to
fulfill this need.



Family Radio School of the Bible was founded with you in mind.
For many years FRSB has produced courses with the layman and the
busy professional in mind. We are now able to offer these
courses tuition-free.

We have designed these Bible courses to be studied at home and at
your own pace. These courses will enable you to be better
prepared to fulfill the Great Commission.


Each course will require three to five hours of your time per
week. We ask that you set aside specific times during the week
in order that your learning experience may be more profitable.


After sending in your registration form, you will be enrolled in
the class. FRSB will then send you your first lesson
with complete instructions and your assignment. Your will be
given a deadline for completion of your assignment. When the
assignment is returned to us, it will be corrected and returned
with your next lesson.


You will receive a grade upon completion of the course. The
grading method for the course will be explained in your first
lesson packet.

The correspondence courses we are currently offering are:


This is a study of the Greek language used in the Greek New
Testament. This study will enable you to use your English Bible
with greater skill and authority as you learn to discern the
meaning of Greek words and phrases.

Dr. Gabriel Otero, Instructor


This is a study of contemporary issues of life, such as resolving
personal conflicts, handling confrontation and dealing with
stress. These and other problems can be dealt with by using
biblical principles. This course will also help you to learn to
discern the will of God in different situations of your life.

Dr. Gabriel Otero, Instructor


Hosea prophesied 800 years before Christ. His life extended over
the darkest period of the entire history of Israel. In the midst
of this Hosea stood as a beacon of truth, extending an offer of
salvation to anyone who would repent. This study is very timely
for today’s believers.

Mr. Joseph Jacowitz, Instructor

Mr. Jacowitz is an ordained Baptist minister and is a graduate of
San Jose Bible College.


A fascinating study of the life of the Lord as He intermingles
with the pious and profane, proclaiming His Kingdom. In
particular the course focuses in on the parables of the Lord,
which He used to unveil the secrets of Heaven.

Mr. Anthony burch, Instructor

Mr. Burch is a graduate of the University of California at
Berkeley. He has served for thirteen years as a home missionary
to college students.

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