Beloved, and yet Afflicted
AUTHOR: Spurgeon, C.H.
PUBLISHED ON: March 31, 2003

                                        Beloved, and yet Afflicted

              “Lord, behold, he whom Thou lovest is sick.” John 11:3.

          THAT DISCIPLE WHOM JESUS LOVED is not at all backward to record that Jesus loved Lazarus too:
          there are no jealousies among those who are chosen by the Well-beloved. Jesus loved Mary, and Martha,
          and Lazarus: it is a happy thing where a whole family live in the love of Jesus. They were a favoured
          trio, and yet, as the serpent came into Paradise, so did sorrow enter their quiet household at Bethany.
          Lazarus was sick. They all felt that if Jesus were there disease would flee at his presence; what then should they
          do but let him know of their trial? Lazarus was near to death’s door, and so his tender sisters at once reported the
          fact to Jesus, saying, “Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.” Many a time since then has that same message
          been sent to our Lord, for in full many a case he has chosen his people in the furnace of affliction. Of the Master
          it is said, “himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses,” and it is, therefore, no extraordinary thing for the
          members to be in this matter conformed to their Head.
              I. Notice, first, A FACT mentioned in the text: “Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.” The sisters were
          somewhat astonished that it should be so, for the word “behold” implies a measure of surprise. “We love him, and
          would make him well directly: thou lovest him, and yet he remains sick. Thou canst heal him with a word, why
          then is thy loved one sick?” Have not you, dear sick friend, often wondered how your painful or lingering disease
          could be consistent with your being chosen, and called, and made one with Christ? I dare say this has greatly
          perplexed you, and yet in very truth it is by no means strange, but a thing to be expected.
              We need not be astonished that the man whom the Lord loves is sick, for he is only a man. The love of Jesus
          does not separate us from the common necessities and infirmities of human life. Men of God are still men. The
          covenant of grace is not a charter of exemption from consumption, or rheumatism, or asthma. The bodily ills,
          which come upon us because of our flesh, will attend us to the tomb, for Paul saith, “we that are in this body do
              Those whom the Lord loves are the more likely to be sick, since they are under a peculiar discipline. It is
          written, “Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.” Affliction of some
          sort is one of the marks of the true-born child of God, and it frequently happens that the trial takes the form of
          illness. Shall we therefore wonder that we have to take our turn in the sick chamber? If Job, and David, and
          Hezekiah must each one smart, who are we that we should be amazed because we are in ill-health?
              Nor is it remarkable that we are sick if we reflect upon the great benefit which often flows from it to
          ourselves. I do not know what peculiar improvement may have been wrought in Lazarus, but many a disciple of
          Jesus would have been of small use if he had not been afflicted. Strong men are apt to be harsh, imperious, and
          unsympathetic, and therefore they need to be put into the furnace, and melted down. I have known Christian
          women who would never have been so gentle, tender, wise, experienced, and holy if they had not been mellowed
          by physical pain. There are fruits in God’s garden as well as in man’s which never ripen till they are bruised.
          Young women who are apt to be volatile, conceited, or talkative, are often trained to be full of sweetness and light
          by sickness after sickness, by which they are taught to sit at Jesus’ feet. Many have been able to say with the
          psalmist, “It is good for me to have been afflicted, that I might learn thy statutes.” For this reason even such as are
          highly favoured and blessed among women may feel a sword piercing through their hearts.
              Oftentimes this sickness of the Lord’s loved ones is for the good of others. Lazarus was permitted to be sick
          and to die, that by his death and resurrection the apostles might be benefited. His sickness was “for the glory of
          God.” Throughout these nineteen hundred years which have succeeded Lazarus’ sickness all believers have been
          getting good out of it, and this afternoon we are all the better because he languished and died. The church and the
          world may derive immense advantage through the sorrows of good men: the careless may be awakened, the
          doubting may be convinced, the ungodly may be converted, the mourner may be comforted through our testimony
          in sickness; and if so, would we wish to avoid pain and weakness? Are we not quite willing that our friends should
          say of us also “Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick”?
              II. Our text, however, not only records a fact, but mentions A REPORT of that fact: the sisters sent and told
          Jesus. Let us keep up a constant correspondence with our Lord about everything.

                                        “Sing a hymn to Jesus, when thy heart is faint;
                                          Tell it all to Jesus, comfort or complaint.”

          Jesus knows all about us, but it is a great relief to pour out our hearts before him. When John the Baptist’s
          broken-hearted disciples saw their leader beheaded, “they took up the body, and went and told Jesus.” They could
          not have done better. In all trouble send a message to Jesus, and do not keep your misery to yourself. In his case
          there is no need of reserve, there is no fear of his treating you with cold pride, or heartless indifference, or cruel
          treachery. He is a confident who never can betray us, a friend who never will refuse us.
              There is this fair hope about telling Jesus, that he is sure to support us under it. If you go to Jesus, and ask,
          “Most gracious Lord, why am I sick? I thought I was useful while in health, and now I can do nothing; why is
          this?” He may be pleased to show you why, or, if not, he will make you willing to bear his will with patience
          without knowing why. He can bring his truth to your mind to cheer you, or strengthen your heart by his presence,
          or send you unexpected comforts, and give you to glory in your afflictions. “Ye people, pour out your heart before
          him: God is a refuge for us.” Not in vain did Mary and Martha send to tell Jesus, and not in vain do any seek his
              Remember, too, that Jesus may give healing. It would not be wise to live by a supposed faith, and cast off
          the physician and his medicines, any more than to discharge the butcher, and the tailor, and expect to be fed and
          clothed by faith; but this would be far better than forgetting the Lord altogether, and trusting to man only. Healing
          for both body and soul must be sought from God. We make use of medicines, but these can do nothing apart from
          the Lord, “who healeth all our diseases.” We may tell Jesus about our aches and pains, and gradual declinings, and
          hacking coughs. Some persons are afraid to go to God about their health: they pray for the pardon of sin, but dare
          not ask the Lord to remove a headache: and, yet, surely, if the hairs outside our head are all numbered by God it is
          not much more of a condescension for him to relieve throbs and pressures inside the head. Our big things must be
          very little to the great God, and our little things cannot be much less. It is a proof of the greatness of the mind of
          God that while ruling the heavens and the earth, he is not so absorbed by these great concerns as to be forgetful of
          the least pain or want of any one of his poor children. We may go to him about our failing breath, for he first gave
          us lungs and life. We may tell him about the eye which grows dim, and the ear which loses hearing, for he made
          them both. We may mention the swollen knee, and the gathering finger, the stiff neck, and the sprained foot, for
          he made all these our members, redeemed them all, and will raise them all from the grave. Go at once, and say,
          “Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.”
              III. Thirdly, let us notice in the case of Lazarus A RESULT which we should not have expected. No doubt
          when Mary and Martha sent to tell Jesus they looked to see Lazarus recover as soon as the messenger reached the
          Master; but they were not gratified. For two days the Lord remained in the same place, and not till he knew that
          Lazarus was dead did he speak of going to Judea. This teaches us that Jesus may be informed of our trouble, and
          yet may act as if he were indifferent to it. We must not expect in every case that prayer for recovery will be
          answered, for if so, nobody would die who had chick or child, friend or acquaintance to pray for him. In our
          prayers for the lives of beloved children of God we must not forget that there is one prayer which may be crossing
          ours, for Jesus prays, “Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am, that they
          may behold my glory.” We pray that they may remain with us, but when we recognize that Jesus wants them
          above, what can we do but admit his larger claim and say, “Not as I will, but as thou wilt”? In our own case, we
          may pray the Lord to raise us up, and yet though he loves us he may permit us to grow worse and worse, and at
          last to die. Hezekiah had fifteen years added to his life, but we may not gain the reprieve of a single day. Never set
          such store by the life of any one dear to you, or even by your own life, as to be rebellious against the Lord. If you
          hold the life of any dear one with too tight a hand, you are making a rod for your own back; and if you love your
          own earthly life too well, you are making a thorny pillow for your dying bed. Children are often idols, and in such
          cases their too ardent lovers are idolaters. We might as well make a god of clay, and worship it, as the Hindus are
          said to do, as worship our fellow-creatures, for what are they but clay? Shall dust be so dear to us that we quarrel
          with our God about it? If our Lord leaves us to suffer, let us not repine. He must do that for us which is kindest
          and best, for he loves us better than we love ourselves.
              Did I hear you say, “Yes, Jesus allowed Lazarus to die, but he raised him up again”? I answer, he is the
          resurrection and the life to us also. Be comforted concerning the departed, “Thy brother shall rise again,” and all of
          us whose hope is in Jesus shall partake in our Lord’s resurrection. Not only shall our souls live, but our bodies,
          too, shall be raised incorruptible. The grave will serve as a refining pot, and this vile body shall come forth vile no
          longer. Some Christians are greatly cheered by the thought of living till the Lord comes, and so escaping death. I
          confess that I think this no great gain, for so far from having any preference over them that are asleep, those who
          are alive and remain at his coming will miss one point of fellowship, in not dying and rising like their Lord.
          Beloved, all things are yours, and death is expressly mentioned in the list, therefore do not dread it, but rather
          “long for evening to undress, that you may rest with God.”
              IV. I will close with A QUESTION “Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus” does Jesus in a
          special sense love you? Alas, many sick ones have no evidence of any special love of Jesus towards them, for they
          have never sought his face, nor trusted in him. Jesus might say to them “I never knew you,” for they have turned
          their backs upon his blood and his cross. Answer, dear friend, to your own heart this question, “Do you love
          Jesus?” If so, you love him because he first loved you. Are you trusting him? If so, that faith of yours is the proof
          that he has loved you from before the foundation of the world, for faith is the token by which he plights his troth
          to his beloved.
              If Jesus loves you, and you are sick, let all the world see how you glorify God in your sickness. Let friends
          and nurses see how the beloved of the Lord are cheered and comforted by him. Let your holy resignation astonish
          them, and set them admiring your Beloved, who is so gracious to you that he makes you happy in pain, and joyful
          at the gates of the grave. If your religion is worth anything it ought to support you now, and it will compel
          unbelievers to see that he whom the Lord loveth is in better case when he is sick than the ungodly when full of
          health and vigour.
              If you do not know that Jesus loves you, you lack the brightest star that can cheer the night of sickness. I
          hope you will not die as you now are, and pass into another world without enjoying the love of Jesus: that would
          be a terrible calamity indeed. Seek his face at once, and it may be that your present sickness is a part of the way
          of love by which Jesus would bring you to himself. Lord, heal all these sick ones in soul and in body. Amen.

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