In Lies Women Believe, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth addresses a slew of issues directed specifically at women, ranging from our view on God to marriage and family. Wolgemuth’s writing is basic and easy to read, offering advice to young girls as well as married women.
For a seasoned believer, Wolgemuth speaks on many issues that we have heard numerous times in sermons and women’s Bible studies. For instance, many women tend to project their earthly fatherly experiences on to Christ’s character, leaving those with a poor father figure to have a skewed view of the Lord. She also addresses many women’s struggles with self-esteem and searching for value in the wrong places.
Her views tend to be what some may call old-fashioned, especially regarding topics such as career and children. She believes in the traditional Biblical view on the role of a woman; to be a submissive wife and be a nurturer to those around her. This may rub some women the wrong way, especially those who have chosen career over children or see themselves as an equal with their partner. Nothing she says goes against the Word, but at the same time a fair amount of her advice is centered around her opinion, which should not be taken as gospel.
Overall I found Lies Women Believe to be a helpful read as a reminder of what our priorities are in life and who Christ really is. This may be more helpful for a young woman or new believer being introduced to these concepts for the first time.