Watchman Fellowship's Guide To Marking Your Bible Scope:This list is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all verses misused by the various cults. Rather, it is a sampling of the more prevalent verses...
“‘Ye Are Gods’ Orthodox and Heretical Views on…
---------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1993 by the Christian Research Institute. ---------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT/REPRODUCTION LIMITATIONS: This data file is the sole...
The Mediatorship of Christ and the Jehovah’s W…
Note: This article makes several references to the Watchtower, which stands for the Jehovah's Witness Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Watchtower has no connection with, and is not affiliated with in any way, the Watchman Fellowship, Inc. ...
THE SPIRIT OF HALLOWEEN by Johanna MichaelsenLast Halloween when the doorbell rang, I was greeted by an adorable bunch of little kids doing their level best to look like gruesome witches and vampires. I bent down as I distributed apples and...
Watchtower Dodges
Watchtower Dodges Craig Branch Birmingham, ALThe more Christians have been motivated and trained in cult evangelism, the more cult members have been won to Christ. The...
The Subtle Twisting of Scripture
þ The Subtle Twisting Of Scripture- Clete Hux, Birmingham, AlabamaThe following are statements on a sermon tape of a well known TV evangelist. What follows are portions of that tape. This writer's comments are marked with **."The death of Jesus...
WEEPING MADONNA I ÿdrove thirty miles last week to see a painting weep. ÿÿI came away not sure of what I saw, wondering about other things as well. St. ÿÿNicholas ÿAlbanian Orthodox Church sits in a ÿbungalow...
WHY THE VISION NETWORK IS A PROBLEM- By Michael Reynolds, Director Utah Missions Inc. In the last year UMI has written and produced many articles dealing with VISN and its connection with the LDS church. New readers as well as some old may wonder...
The Nature of God vs. Mormonism
THE NATURE OF GOD There is but ONE GOD. The BIBLE states that there has been, and presently is, and always will be only ONE GOD. History and the BIBLE show that the Jewish people always believed in ONE GOD of the...