BIO:Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892 English Baptist pastor and writer.
His ancestors were Huguenots. He was converted to Christ at the age of
16 and immediately began preaching. He preached in the streets and in
the fields before he was 21. In his first church, he began with 100
members. It grew until he was preaching to 10,000 people in the Surrey
Music Hall. His church, the Metropolitan Tabernacle, seated 6,000
people. He withdrew from every move- ment among English Baptists which
tended to criticize the Au- thorized Version 1611 in any way. Before
his death, he published more than 2,000 ser- mons and 49 volumes of
commentaries, sayings, anecdotes, il- lustrations, and devotions.
ARTIST’S NOTE: The conservative and earthly browns emphasize
Spurgeon’s plainness, and his common touch as an English pastor.