James M. Gray
American Bible scholar, school administrator, editor,
preacher, and poet. Born in New York City and reared in the
Episcopalian Church, as a young man he prayed, “God be mani-
fest to me a sinner.” Known as a gracious and well-beloved
Christian gentleman and scholar, Dr. Gray dedicated his entire
life to communicating the Bible through speaking and writing.
For 16 years he pastored the Reformed Episcopal Church in Bos-
ton. Dr. Gray championed the cause of Christ at Moody Bible
Institute for 43 years as a summer guest lecturer, dean, exec-
utive secretary, editor of Moody Monthly, president and presi-
dent emeritus, succeeding D.L. Moody and R.A. Torrey.
He authored 25 books and booklets and served as one of
the seven editors of the first Scofield Bible. Spanning parts
of two centuries, his expositions of the Word blessed nearly
20,000 students. Factual content, the synthetic study method,
and life application characterized his teaching. One of Dr.
Gray’s Gospel songs has preserved his life philosophy: Only a
Sinner, Saved by Grace.

James M. Gray, 1851-1935, Bible Scholar
AUTHOR: Unknown
PUBLISHED ON: March 13, 2003
PUBLISHED IN: Biographies
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