John Edward Brown, 1879-1957, Evangelist,…
AUTHOR: Unknown
PUBLISHED ON: March 13, 2003
PUBLISHED IN: Biographies

John Elward Brown
Evangelist, educator, broadcaster, and author. Dr. John E.
Brown, founder of the university that bears his name, will be
remembered throughout eternity as an evangelist who led more
than 400,000 souls to Christ through evangelistic campaigns,
church crusades, personal work and Christian education. In a
day when in some circles evangelism was subject, John Brown
of Arkansas, as he was called so often, proved the validity
of evangelism by conducting city-wide meetings that were suc-
cessful in their spiritual response and above reproach in ev-
ery business transaction. Businessmen and children alike
loved and respected him.
        His crusades carried him to every part of the United
States and Canada, while his most successful campaigns were
conducted in California. Dr. Brown will be remembered for his
messages on the Holy Spirit. Many of those messages are com-
piled in one of the more than 40 books he authored, this one
titled, Will Pentecost Be Repeated?
        John E. Brown, Sr., continues to be remembered by his
broadcasts, for “he, being dead, yet speaketh.” The
broadcasts are aired today on KUOA in Siloam Springs, Arkan-
sas, and KGER, Long Beach, California. The school that bears
his name, John Brown University, is located in Siloam
Springs, Arkansas. It is a fully accredited, distinctly evan-
gelical university whose motto is, “Christ over all.” The
unique educational aspect of his school continues to empha-
size threefold, Christ-centered education–namely, head,
heart, and hand. As Dr. Brown has said so often, “The way to
victory in a few words is…trust God…go to work!”

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