Keys to Revelation – Chapter 4
Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New
York International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible
REV 4:1 After this I looked, and [After this] – Reference to previous
there before me was a door standing seven letters to the churches, which
open in heaven. And the voice I had represented the Church Age that comes
first heard speaking to me like a to a end Chronologically as we enter
trumpet said, “Come up here, and I into the events of Chapter 4 and be-
will show you what must take place yond.
after this.”
[door to heaven] – John literally
could look into the Third Heaven
from the earth and see the Throne
Room of God.
[voice] – It is Jesus speaking
[come up] – Jesus tells, rather
commands that John “come up” to
Heaven. This event ends the Church
Age and starts the Judgments and
could be a type of the Rapture, where
Jesus calls His Church to “Come Up
REV 4:2 At once I was in the [in the Spirit] – Transported from
Spirit, and there before me was a earth (most likely not with his body)
throne in heaven with someone through the first heaven (atmosphere)
sitting on it. then past the second heaven (outer
space) and into the third heaven
(location of God, Angels, and the
[someone sitting] – Appears to be the
Father, since Jesus the Lamb, takes a
scroll from the right hand of Him who
sat on the throne in REV 5:7.
REV 4:3 And the one who sat there [jasper] – in ancient times this
had the appearance of jasper and stone would have been a translucent
carnelian. A rainbow, resembling an rock crystal like a diamond. This
emerald, encircled the throne. brilliant diamond represents the
purity, majesty, and holiness of God.
[carnelian] – A beautiful, ruby red
stone signifying the righteous
judgment and wrath of God.
[emerald] – Brilliant green color
representing the mercy of God.
REV 4:4 Surrounding the throne [24 Elders] – Representatives from
were twenty-four other thrones, and the Church, wearing crowns of victory
seated on them were twenty-four and their white linen robes.
elders. They were dressed in white
and had crowns of gold on their
REV 4:5 From the throne came [seven spirits] – Term for the Holy
flashes of lightning, rumblings and Spirit (ISA 11:2-3).
peals of thunder. Before the
throne, seven lamps were blazing.
These are the seven spirits of God.
REV 4:6 Also before the throne [sea of glass] – Same glass that was
there was what looked like a sea of seen by Moses in Exodus 24:10, “..and
glass, clear as crystal. In the saw the God of Israel. Under His feet
center, around the throne, were was something like a pavement made of
four living creatures, and they sapphire, clear as the sky itself.”
were covered with eyes, in front This sea simply adds to the Glory
and in back. and Majesty of God.
[creatures] – Jesus only created two
kinds of intelligent and spiritual
creatures–Men and Angels. These four
living creatures are angels.
[eyes] – Seems strange to us, but we
are very limited in our knowledge and
understanding of heavenly things. The
eyes would make them all-seeing and
vigilant, not to mention enhancing
their ability to accomplish their
main purpose, to give God the glory
He deserves as they look upon His
Wisdom and Power.
REV 4:7 The first living creature Four creatures represent God’s
was like a lion, the second was attributes in His creation:
like an ox, the third had a face [lion] – Majesty, Omnipotence
like a man, the fourth was like a [ox] – Strength, Patience
flying eagle. [man] – Intelligence, Rational Power
[eagle] – Sovereignty, Supremacy
REV 4:8 Each of the four living [six wings] – Matches description of
creatures had six wings and was the Seraphims in ISA 6:2, “Above Him
covered with eyes all around, even were seraphs, each with six wings:
under his wings. Day and night they With two they covered their faces,
never stop saying: “Holy, holy, with two they covered their feet, and
holy is the Lord God Almighty, who with two they were flying.”
was, and is, and is to come.” They were Unique Angels created to
give Glory to God forever.
REV 4:9 Whenever the living
creatures give glory, honor and
thanks to him who sits on the
throne and who lives for ever and
REV 4:10 the twenty-four elders Representing the Church in Heaven
fall down before him who sits on rightly acknowledging that God
the throne, and worship him who deserves their worship and honor.
lives for ever and ever. They lay
their crowns before the throne and [lay their crowns] – Acknowledging
say: that Jesus earned them their crowns
by His death on the Cross.
REV 4:11 “You are worthy, our Lord
and God, to receive glory and honor
and power, for you created all
things, and by your will they were
created and have their being.”
Tony Capoccia
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