Names in the New Testament
AUTHOR: Campbell, Alexander
PUBLISHED ON: May 6, 2003
PUBLISHED IN: Bible Studies

Containing the proper names which are found in the New Testament, etymoloically explained, and accented for pronunciation, according to the most approved standards. [From THE LIVING ORACLES by Alexander Campbell.]

Aa’ron [a lofty teacher]
A-bad’don [the destroyer]
Ab’ba [father]
A’bel [vanity, breath, vapor]
A-bi’a [the Lord is my father]
A-bi’a-thar [excellent father]
Ab-i-le’ne [the father of mourning]
A-bi’ud [father of praise]
A’bra-ham [the father of a great multitude]
A’bram [a high father]
A-cel’da-ma [the field of blood]
A-cha’i-a [grief, or trouble]
A-cha’i-cus [a native of Achaia]
A’chaz [one that possesses]
A’chim [preparing for revenge]
Ad’am [earthy, red]
Ad’di [my witness, adorned, prey]
Ad’mah [red earth, or of blood]
Ad-ra-myt’ti-ium [the court of death]
Ad’ri-a [name of a city]
Ag’a-bus [a locust, feast of the father]
A’gar [stranger, gathered together]
A-grip’pa [one who caused great pain at his birth]
Al-ex-an’der [one who asists men]
Al-ex-an’dri-ans [citizens of Alexandria]
Al-ex-an’dri-a [in honor of Alexander]
Al’pha [first letter of the Greek alphabet]
Al-phe’us [a thousand, learned, chief]
A-min’a-dab [my people are liberal]
A’man [faithful, true]
A’men [so let it be]
A’mos [loading, weighty]
Am-phip’o-lis [a city of Macedonia]
Am’pli-as [large]
A-nath’e-ma [a solemn curse]
An-a-ni’as [the cloud of the Lord]
An’drew [a stout and strong man]
An-dron’i-cus [a man excelling others]
An’na [gracious, or one who gives]
An’nas [one who answers, humble]
An’ti-och [speedy, as a chariot]
An’ti-pas [for all, or against all]
An-tip’a-tris [for or against the father]
A-pel’les [excluder]
A-pol-lo’ni-a [perdition, destruction]
A-pol’los [who destroys, or wastes]
A-pol’ly-on [one who destroys]
Ap’phi-a [that produces]
Ap’pi-i Fo’rum [city founded by Appius Claudius]
A’qui-la [an eagle]
A-ra’bi-a [evening, wild, and desert]
A’ram [highness]
Ar-che-la’us [the prince of the people]
Ar-chip’pus [governor of horses]
A-re-op’a-gus, the Hill of Mars, Athensian council
A-re-op’a-gite, member of said council
Ar-e’tas [one who is agreeable]
A-ri-ma-the’a [a lion, dead to the Lord]
A-ris-tar’chus [a good prince]
A-ris-tob’u-lous [a good counselor]
Ar-ma-ged’don [mountain of the gospel, of Megiddo]
Ar-ohax’ad [a healer of desolation]
Ar’te-mas [whole, sound]
A’sa [a physician, or cure]
A’ser [happiness]
A’si-a [muddy, boggy]
As’sos [approaching]
A-syn’cri-tus [incomparable]
A’thens [a city of Greece]
A-th’ni-ans [citizens of Athens]
At-ta-li’a [that increases or sends]
Au-gus’tus [increased, augmented]
A’zor [he that assists]
A-zo’tus [like Ashod, pillage]
Bab’y-lon [confusion]
Ba’laam [the old age, or ancient of the people, or their destruction]
Ba’lak [who lays waste and destroys]
Ba-rab’bas [son of shame, confusion]
Bar-a-chi’as [who blesses God]
Ba’ruk [thunder, or in vain]
Bar-je’sus [son of Jesus or Joshua]
Bar-jo’na [son of Jona, or of a dove]
Bar’na-bas [the son of exhortation]
Bar’sa-bas [son of rest]
Bar-thol’o-mew [the son that suspends the waters]
Bar-te-me’us [son of the honorable]
Be-el’ze-bub [god of the fly]
Be’li-al [wicked, of no account]
Ben’ja-min [son of the right hand]
Be-re’a [heavy, weighty]
Ber-ni’ce [one that brings victory]
Beth-ab’a-ra [the house of passage]
Beth’a-ny [the house of song, or of affliction]
Beth’el [the house of God]
Beth-es’da [house of pity, or mercy]
Beth’le-hem [the house of bread]
Beth’pha-ge [the house of the mouth]
Beth’sa’i-da [the house of fruits, or of food, or of snares]
Bi-thyn’i-a [violent precipitation]
Blas’tus [that buds and brings forth]
Bo-a-ner’ges [sons of Thunder]
Bo’oz [in strength]
Cai’a-phas [he that seeks with diligence, one that vomits]
Cain [possession, or possessed]
Ca-i’nan [possessor, purchaser]
Cal’va-ry [the place of a skull]
Ca’na [zeal, jealousy, or possession]
Ca’naan [merchant, trader, or that humbles and subdues]
Ca’naan-ite [a citizen of Canaan]
Can’da-ce [who possesses contrition]
Ca-per’na-um [the field of repentance, or city of comfort]
Cap-pa-do’ci-a [a sphere, a hand]
Car’pus [fruit, fruitful]
Cas’tor [a sea dog, or beaver]
Ce’dron [black, or sad]
Cen’chre-a [millet, small pulse]
Ce’phas [a rock, or stone]
Ce’sar [I cut; because he was cut out of his mother’s womb]
Ce-sa-re-a [in honor of Cesar]
Chal-ced’o-ny [a precious stone, variegated with colors in form of clouds]
Chal’de-ans [citizens of Chaldea]
Cha’naan [possessor or purchaser]
Char’ran [a singing or calling out]
Chi’os [open or opening]
Chlo’e [green herb]
Cho-ra’zin [the secret, or her is a mystery]
Christ [the anointed]
Chrys’o-lite [a precious stone of a gold color, and very transparent]
Chrys’tal [exceedingly bright, clear, and transparent stone, of watery color]
Chu’sa [the seer or prophet]
Ci-li’ci-a [which rolls or overturns]
Cis [hard]
Clau’da [a lamentable voice]
Clau’di-a [lame]
Clem’ent [mild, good, merciful]
Cle’o-pas [the whole glory]
Cni’dus [dedicated to Venus]
Co-los’se [punishment, correction]
Co-los’si-ans [citizens of Colosse]
Co’os [silk garments]
Co’re [bald]
Cor’inth [which is satisfied, ornament, beauty]
Co-rin’thi-ans [citizens of Corinth]
Co-rin’thus [ornament]
Cor-ne’li-us [of a horn]
Cos [silk garments]
Co’sam [adorned]
Cres’cens [growing, increasing]
Crete [carnal, fleshly]
Cre’tans [citizens of Crete]
Crispus [curled]
Cy’prus [fair, fairness]
Cy-re’ne [a wall, coldness, a floor]
Cy-re’ni-an [a citizen of Cyrene]
Cy-re’ni-us [who governs]
Dal-ma’ti-a [deceitful lamps]
Dal-ma-nu’tha [bucket, branch]
Dam’a-ris [little woman]
Da-mas’cus [similitude of burning]
Dam’a-scenes [of Damascus]
Dan’i-el [judgment of God]
Da’vid [well beloved, dear]
De-cap’o-lis [ten cities]
De’mas [popular]
De-met’ri-us [belonging to corn]
Der’be [a sting]
Di-a’na [luminous, perfect]
Did’y-mus [a twin, double]
Di-o-nys’i-us [divinely touched]
Di-ot’re-phes [nourished by Jupiter]
Dor’cas [the female of a roebuck]
Dru-sil’la [watered by the dew]
E’gypt [that troubles or oppresses]
E-gyp’tian [a citizen of Egypt]
E’lam [a young man]
E’lam-ites [inhabitants of Elam]
E-le-a’zar [help of God, court of God]
E-li-a’kim [resurrection of God]
E-li’as [God the Lord]
E’li E’li La’ma Sa-bac’than-i [my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me]
E-li-e’zer [the help of the Lord]
E-lis’a-beth [the oath of God]
E-li’se-us [salvation of God]
E-li’ud [God is my praise]
El-mo’dam [the god of measure]
E’lo-i E’lo-i La’ma Sa-bac’than-i [my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me]
El’y-mas [a magician]
E-man’u-el [God with us]
Em’ma-us [people despised, or obscure]
E-ne’as [laudable]
E’noch [dedicated, disciplined]
E’non [cloud, mass of darkness]
E’nos [fallen man]
E-paph’ras [agreeable]
E-paph-ro-di’tus [agreeable, handsome]
E-pen’e-tus [worthy of praise]
E-phe’si-ans [citizens of Ephesus]
E’phra-im [fruitful]
Eph’e-sus [desire]
Eph’pha-tha [be opened]
Ep-i-cu-re’ans [who give assistance]
E-pi’rus [neighboring to]
Er [watch, or enemy]
E-ras’tus [lovely]
E-sai’as [the salvation of the Lord]
E’sar-had’don [that binds joy, or that closes the point]
E’sau [he that acts, or finishes]
Es’li [near me]
Es’rom [dart of joy, division of the song]
E-thi-o’pi-a [blackness, heat]
Eu’bu-lus [prudent, good counselor]
Eu-ni’ce [good victory]
Eu-o’di-as [sweet scent]
Eu-roc’ly-don [a levanter, raising great waves]
Eu’ty-chus [happy, fortunate]
Eve [living, enlivening]
Ez-e-ki’as [strong in the Lord]
Fair Ha’vens
Fe’lix [happy, prosperous]
Fes’tus [festival, joyful]
For-tu-na’tus [lucky, fortunate]
Gab’ba-tha [high, elevated]
Ga’bri-el [God is my strength]
Gad [a troop]
Gad-a-re’nes [citizens of Gadara]
Ga’i-us [Lord, or unearthy man]
Ga-la’ti-a [white, the color of milk]
Ga-la’ti-ans [citizens of Galatia]
Gal’i-lee [wheel, revolution, heap]
Gal’i-le-ans [citizens of Galilee]
Gal’li-o [who sucks, or lives on milk]
Ga-ma’li-el [recompense of God]
Ga’za [strong, or a goat]
Gen-nes’a-ret [garden of the prince]
Ger-ga-se’nes [those who come from pilgrimage, or fight]
Geth-sem’a-ne [a very fat vale]
Gid’e-on [he that bruises and breaks, or cutting off iniquity]
Gog [roof]
Gol’go-tha [a heap of skulls]
Go-mor’rah [rebellious people]
Greece [the country of Graecus]
Gre’ci-ans [citizens of Greece]
Ha’gar [a stranger, or that fears]
He’ber [one that pleases]
He’brews [the descendants of Heber]
He’li [ascending, climbing up]
Her’mes [Mercury, gain, refuge]
Her-mog’e-nes [begotten of Mercury, or generation of lucre]
Her’od [the glory of the skin]
He-ro’di-ans [followers of Herod]
He-ro’di-as [the wife of Herod]
Hi-e-rap’o-lis [holy city]
Hy-men’e-as [nuptial, or the god of marriage]
I-co’ni-um [I come, the name of a city]
I-du-me’a [red, earthy, bloody]
Il-lyr’i-cum [joy, founded by Illyrius]
Im-man’u-el [God with us]
I-o’ni-an [effeminate]
I’saac [laughter]
Is-car’i-ot [a man of murder]
Is’ra-el [who prevails with God]
Is’ra-el-ites [descendants of Israel]
Is’sa-char [reward, or recompense]
I-tal’i-an band [a Roman legion]
It’a-ly [the country of Italus]
Ja’cob [he that supplants, or undermines]
Ja’i-rus [my light, who diffuses light]
Jam’bres [the sea, with poverty]
James [he that supplants, or undermines]
Jan’na [who speaks]
Jan’nes [who speaks]
Ja’red [he that descends]
Ja’son [he that cures, or that gives medicines]
Jas’per [deep green]
Jech-o-ni’as [preparation of the Lord]
Jeph’tha [he that opens]
Jer-e-mi’as [exaltation of the Lord]
Jer’i-cho [his moon, or month]
Je-ru’sa-lem [vision of peace]
Jes’se [to be, or who is]
Je’sus [saviour]
Jew [derived from Judah]
Jew’ry [the country of the Jews]
Jez’e-bel [island of the habitation]
Jo-an’na [the favor of the Lord]
Job [he that weeps]
Jo’el [he that wills or commands]
John [the favor of the Lord]
Jo’na [a dove, or one who opposes]
Jo’nan [liberal]
Jo’nas [a dove]
Jop’pa [beauty, or comeliness]
Jo’ram [to cast]
Jor’dan [the river of judgment]
Jo’rim [he that exalts the Lord]
Jos’a-phat [God judges]
Jo’se [raised, one who exists]
Jo’seph [increased]
Jo’ses [raised, one who exists]
Jo-si’as [the Lord burns]
Ju’da, Ju’das, Jude [the praise of the Lord]
Ju-de’a [the land of Judah]
Ju’li-a [downy, soft, and tender]
Ju’li-us [downy, soft, and tender]
Ju’ni-a [youth]
Ju’pi-ter [the father that helpeth]
Jus’tus [just, upright]
La’mech [poor]
La-od-i-ce’a [just people]
La-od-i-ce’ans [citizens of Laodicea]
La-se’a [built upon a rock, a rocky country]
Laz’a-rus [assistance of God]
Lab-be’us [a man of spirit]
Le’vi [who is held and associated]
Le’vites [descendants of Levi]
Li’nus [nets]
Lo’is [better]
Lord [proprietor]
Lot [wrapped up, hidden, covered]
Lu’cas, Lu’ci-us, Luke [luminous]
Lyb’i-a [cloudy, rainy]
Lyd’da, Lyd’di-a [a magnet]
Ly-sa’ni-us [that drives away sorrow]
Lys’i-a, Lys’i-as [dissolving]
Lys’tra [that dissolves or disappears]
Ma-ce-do’ni-a [adoration]
Ma’di-an [of Media, signifying measure]
Mag’da-la [magnificent, elevated]
Mag’da-le’ne [elevated, magnificent]
Ma’gog [roof, or that covers]
Mal’e-le-el [he that praises God]
Mam’mon [riches]
Man-a’en [a comforter]
Ma-nas’ses [forgetfulness, one forgotten]
Mar-a-nath’a [our Lord shall come]
Mar’cus, Mark [polite, shining]
Mar’tha [who becomes bitter]
Ma’ry [exalted]
Mat’ta-tha [gift]
Mat-ta-thi’as [the gift of the Lord]
Mat’than [the reins, the death of them]
Mat’that [gift, he that gives]
Matth’ew [given]
Mat-thi’as [the gift of the Lord]
Me’di-a [measure, habit, covering]
Me’di-an [of Media, signifying measure]
Mel-chis’e-dec [king of righteousness]
Me-le’a [abounding in honey]
Mel’i-ta, Mel’i-tus [affording honey]
Me’nan [ardent, witty]
Mer-cu’ri-us [to buy or sell]
Mes-o-po-ta’mi-a [between two rivers]
Mes-si’as [anointed]
Me-thu’sa-el [who demands his death]
Mi’cha-el [who is like to God]
Mid’i-an [judgment, habit, covering]
Mi-le’tum [red, scarlet]
Mi-le’tus [scarlet]
Mit-y-le’ne [purity]
Mna’son [a diligent seeker]
Mo’loch [king]
Mo’ses [taken out of the water]
My’ra [I flow]
My’si-a [criminal]
Na’a-man [beautiful]
Na’a-son [that foretells]
Nag’ge [brightness]
Nar-cis’sus [astonishment]
Na’in [beauty, pleasantness]
Na’than [who gives]
Na-than’a-el [the gift of God]
Na’am [agreeable]
Naz’a-reth [guarded, flourishing]
Naz’a-renes [kept, flower]
Naz’a-rite [separated, sanctified]
Ne-ap’o-lis [new city]
Nepth’tha-lim [comparison, he that fights]
Ne’ra [lamp, brightness]
Ne’re-us [lamp]
Ne’ri [my light]
Ne’ro [nervous, strong]
Ni-ca’nor [conqueror]
Nich’o-las [victory of the people]
Ni-co-de’mus [innocent blood]
Nic-o-la’i-tans [victory of the people]
Ni-cop’o-lus [victorious city]
Nin’e-veh [handsome, agreeable]
Nin’e-vites [citizens of Nineveh]
Nim’phas [spouse, bridegroom]
Ni’ger [black]
No’e [repose]
Nym’phas [spouse, or bridegroom]
O’bed [a servant]
Ol’i-vet [of olives, abounding in olives]
O-lym’pas [heavenly]
O-me’ga [the last letter of the Greek alphabet]
O-nes’i-mus [profitable]
O-ne-siph’o-rus [who brings profit]
O’nyx [nail, color of a finger nail]
O’see [saviour]
O-zi’as [strength from the Lord]
Pam-phyl’i-a [a nation of every tribe]
Pa’phos [which boils, or which is very hot]
Per’me-nas [that abides and is permanent]
Par’thi-a, Par’thi-ans [horsemen]
Pat’a-ra [trod under foot]
Pat’mos [mortal]
Pat’ro-bus [paternal]
Paul [a worker]
Pen’te-cost [the fiftieth, the feast of weeks]
Per’ga [very earthly]
Per’ga-mos [height, elevation]
Per’sis [that cuts, or divides, nail, griffin, or horseman]
Pe’ter [a rock, or stone]
Phan-i’el [face or vision of God]
Pha’lec [division]
Pha’ra-oh [that disperses]
Pha’res [division]
Phar’i-sees [separatists]
Phe’be [shining]
Phe-ni’ci-a [land of palm trees, purple]
Phe’ni-ce [red, purple]
Phi-la-del’phi-a [a love of a brother]
Phi-le’mon [that kisses]
Phi-le’tus [amiable]
Phil’ip [warlike, a lover of horses]
Phil-ip’pi [warlike, a lover of horses]
Phil-ip’pi-ans [citizens of Philippi]
Phi-lo-lo’gus [a lover of learning]
Phle’gon [zealous]
Phyrg’i-a [dry, barren]
Phy-gel’lus [fugitive]
Phy-lac’te-ries [things to be observed, rolls of parchment]
Pi’late [who is armed with a dart]
Pi-sid’i-a [pitch]
Pol’lux [one of the twins, brother to Castor]
Pon’ti-us [marine]
Pon’tus [the sea]
Por’ci-us [a lover of pork]
Pre-to’ri-um [the judgment hall]
Pris’ca [ancient]
Prs’cil-la [ancient]
Pro-cho’rus [he that presides over the choirs]
Ptol-e-ma’is [warlike]
Pub’li-us [common]
Pu’dens [shamefaced]
Pu-te’o-li [abounding in wells]
Quar’tus [the fourth]
Qua-ter’ni-ans [four by four, four soldiers]
Ra’ca [shallow brains]
Ra’chel [a sheep]
Ra’hab [proud]
Ra’ga [a friend]
Ra’ma [elevated, sublime]
Re-bec’ca [fat]
Rem’phan [the name of an idol, which some think to be Saturn]
Reu’ben [who sees the sun]
Rhe’gi-um [rupture, fracture]
Rhe’sa [will, or course]
Rho’da [a rose]
Rhodes [a rose]
Ro-bo’am [name of a king]
Ro’man [strong, powerful]
Rome [strength, power]
Ru’by [deep red]
Ru’fus [red]
Ruth [filled]
Sa’doc [just]
Sa-bac’tha-ni [thou hast forsaken me]
Sa-ba’oth [hosts]
Sad’du-cees [followers of Sadoc]
Sa’la [mission]
Sal’a-mis [shaken]
Sa-la’thi-el [I have asked of God]
Sa’lem [peace, perfect]
Sa’lim [a fox]
Sal’mon [peaceable]
Sal’mo-ne [peaceable]
Sa’lo-ne [peacable]
Sa-ma’ri-a [his lees, his prison, his throne, his diamond]
Sa-mar’i-tans [citizens of Samaria]
Sa’mos [full of gravel]
Sam-o-thra’cia [peopled by Samiams]
Sam’son [the sun]
Sam’u-el [heard of God, or asked of God]
Sap-phi’ra [that relates or tells]
Sap’phire [sky blue]
Sa’ra [lady]
Sar’dine [footstep]
Sar’di-us [red colored]
Sar’dis [prince of joy]
Sar’do-nix [color of a man’s nail]
Sa-rep’ta [a goldsmith’s shop]
Sa’ron [his field, his song]
Sa’rach [branch, layer, twining]
Saul [demanded]
Sce’va [disposed]
Scyth’i-an [a tanner]
Scy-thop’o-lis [a city founded by Scythian]
Se-cun’dus [the second]
Se-lu’ci-a [shaken by the waves]
Sem [name, renown]
Sem’e-i [hearing]
Ser’gi-us [a roman name]
Seth [put, or who puts]
She’chem [portion]
Shem [name, renown]
Si’don [hunting, fishing, venison]
Si’las [three]
Si-lo’am [sent]
Sim’e-on [that hears]
Si’mon [that hears]
Sin’a-i [a bush, enmity]
Si’on [noise, tumult]
Smyr’na [myrrh]
Sod’om [their secret, their cement]
Sol’o-mon [peaceable]
Sop’a-ter [who defends the father]
Sos-ip’a-ter [who defends the father]
Sos’the-nes [saviour]
Spain [rare, precious]
Sta’chys [spike]
Steph’a-nas [a crown]
Ste’phen [a crown]
Su-san’na [a lily]
Sy’char [a city]
Sy’chem [a place of figs]
Syr’a-cuse [that draws violently]
Syr’i-a [sublime, deceiving]
Syr’i-ans [citizens of Syria]
Sy-ro-phe-ni’ci-a [drawn to, red, purple]
Syr’tis [drawn, a quicksand]
Syn’ty-che [that speaks or discourses]
Ta-bi’th-a [clear sighted]
Tal’ith a Cu’mi [maid arise]
Tar’sus [winged, feathered]
Te’man [the south]
Ter’ti-us [the third]
Ter-tul’lus [a liar]
Thad’de-us [that praises and confesses]
Tha’mar [a palm tree]
Tha’ra [confident, bold]
The-oph’i-lus [a friend, or a lover of God]
Thes-sa-lon-i’ca [victory against the Thessalonians]
Theu’das [a false teacher]
Thom’as [a twin]
Thy-a-ti’ra [perfume, sacrifice of labor]
Ti-be’ri-as [good vision]
Ti-be’ri-us [son of Tiber]
Tim’e-ous [honorable]
Ti-mo’the-us [honor of God]
Ti’mon [honorable]
Ti’tus [honorable]
Tra-cho-ni’tis [rock]
Tro’as [penetrated]
Tro-gyl’li-um [a city in the isle of Samos]
Troph’i-mus [well educated]
Try-phe’na [delicious]
Try-pho’sa [thrice shining]
Tych’i-cus [casual, by chance]
Ty-ran’nus [a prince, one who reigns]
Tyre [strength, rock, sharp]
Ur’ba-ne [a citizen]
U-ri’as [the Lord is my light, or fire]
Zab’u-lon [habitation, dwelling]
Zac’che-us [pure, clean, just]
Zach-a-ri’ah [memory of the Lord]
Za’ra [east, brightness]
Zeb’e-dee [abundant portion]
Ze-lo’tes [jealous, full of zeal]
Ze’nas [living]
Zo-ro-ba’bel [a stranger at Babylon, dispersion of confusion]

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