Official ACLU Policy Positions from “Trial and…
AUTHOR: Grant, George
PUBLISHED ON: May 1, 2003

Some information that I have taken from the book:
“Trial And Error” by George Grant
Wolgemuth and Hyatt, Publishers, Inc.
Brentwood, Tennessee
ISBN 0-943497-66-3
I believe that it retails in the States for around $8.95 U.S., though I got it
through a deal for $4.95 U.S.  I encourage people to buy this book in order to
see what kind of forces are loose in the United States, and how these forces
of Evil, seek to destroy everything that the Word of God tells us are good and
wholesome, while trying to legalize everything that the Word of God declares
to be sinful and wicked, and that if indulged in will lead us to destruction.
                                                              – Dave Geauvreau

                        Official ACLU Policy Positions
The ACLU Supports                      | The ACLU Opposes
Legalization of child pornography      | Voluntary school prayer
Legalization of drugs                  | Sobriety checkpoints
Tax exemption for satanists            | Tax exemption for churches
Legalization of prostitution          | Relgious displays in public
Abortion on demand                    | Medical safety regulation and
                                      | reporting
Mandatory sex education                | Parental consent laws
Busing                                | Educational vouchers and home
                                      | schooling
Ideological testing for court          | Government ethics committees
appointees                            |
Automatic entitled probation          | Prison terms for criminal offenses
Public demonstrations for Nazis and    | Public demonstrations for direct
communists                            | action pro-lifers
Legalization of polygamy              | Teaching “monogamous, heterosexual
                                      | intercourse within marriage” in the
                                      | public schools

The Christian Covenant                | The Humanistic Covenant
God’s sovereignty                      | Man-centered secularism
God’s order                            | Man-imposed egalitarianism
God’s ethics                          | Man-generated rationalism
God’s judgment                        | Man-induced anti-traditionalism
God’s promises                        | Man-provoked optimism

– What is now called free thought is valued, not because it is free thought,
but because it is freedom from thought; because it is free thoughtlessness.
                                                            – G.K. Chesterton

– Mike Ruestik had only been on the job as manager of a small convenience
store for two weeks when he ran into his first major problem.  It was a tough
ethical problem that became an even tougher legal problem.
  A sales representative from the news and periodicals distributor that the
store bought its inventory from was telling Mike about a number of new
products that the company was offering to its customers – including a number
of pornographic magazines.  Mike wasn’t interested.  He placed his regular
order of family-oriented magazines and comics and let it go at that.
  If only that had been the end of it.
  Two days later, Mike received a very distressing call from a local lawyer.
He was told that his “arbitrary refusal” to order certain magazines was “in
effect censorship” – a “clear violation” of the free speech rights guaranteed
by the First Amendment of the Constitution.  He was then given an ultimatum:
either stock the pornography in the store or face a lawsuit – a lawsuit that
would almost certainly cost him his store and his livihood.
  “I couldn’t believe this was happening to me,” Mike said.  “I asked the guy
why I couldn’t stock whatever I wanted to stock in my store.  I asked him
whatever happened to free enterprise and all that.  I asked him why my First
Amendment rights weren’t being considered.”
  Apparently, the lawyer wasn’t interested in hearing Mike’s perspective on
the issue.  “It was like he wasn’t even listening.  All he cared about were
those magazines.  Well, I’m sorry.  I’m trying to run a family business here,
and I don’t want that trash in my store.  I told him I’d see him in court.”
  It never came to that.  The corporate office decided not to litigate, and
Mike was fired.

Sysop note:  Just think, you could be next!  The name ACLU is just another
name for the spirit of the anti-christ, according to the Word of God.

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