Nahum: The Lord's Vengeance on Nineveh Minor Prophets Series #8 Nahum's name means "comfort" or "consolation." But when you read his prophecy you...

Nahum: The Lord’s Vengeance on Nineveh
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Nahum: The Lord's Vengeance on Nineveh Minor Prophets Series #8 Nahum's name means "comfort" or "consolation." But when you read his prophecy you...
Lester RoloffBORN: June 28, 1914 Dawson, TexasDIED: November 2, 1982 Houston, TexasLIFE SPAN: 68 years, 4 months, 5 daysA MODERN-DAY PROPHET, and...
DeborahMost of the great women in the Bible either are married to a great man or related to one. Sarah is primarily known as Abraham's wife, and...