IPeace in the SoulPeace I leave with you: my peace I give unto you.—ST. JOHN 14:27.Peace is one of the great words of the Holy Scriptures. It is...
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The Spirit Filled Life
You will find my text in Ephesians 5:18 -- "Be filled with the Spirit."This is the most important commandment in the Bible. I know that the command...
Messiah’s Throne
In the all-important argument which occupies this epistle, Paul assumes, what the believing Hebrews had already profest, that Jesus of Nazareth is...
Paul Before Felix and Drusilla
My brethren, tho the kingdoms of the righteous be not of this world, they present, however, amidst their meanness, marks of dignity and power. They...
Sermon on Threefold Righteousness
Sermon on Threefold Righteousness by Martin Luther (Philippians 2) To: Martin Luther -...
A Learned Discourse of Justification, Works,and…
A Sermon by Richard Hooker with Introductory comments by James KieferRichard Hooker (1554?-1600) was possibly the greatest theologian that...