The Believers Joy
AUTHOR: Painter, Clyde
PUBLISHED ON: June 16, 2004
DOC SOURCE: http://www.lakesidebaptistchurch.net
PUBLISHED IN: Sermon Outlines
TAGS: joy | Philippians

The Believers Joy
Philippians 1:1-30        

Intro: In this chapter Paul mentions Joy, Rejoicing and Gladness.

John 15:11- These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you,and that your joy might be full.

There are 4 things that can rob us of our joy.
1. Circumstances
2. People
3. Things
4. Worry

There are 5 things that caused Paul’s joy.

  a. In verses 1,8,13. His position was in Christ
II. PASSION – v.18
  a. To preach the word
III. PURPOSE – v.17, 21
  a. Romans 8:29. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be
    conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among
    many brethren.
  a. Service and Suffering for Christ
  a. Desiring to depart.
  b. v. 6, “until the day of Jesus Christ”
  c. v.10, “till the day of Christ”

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