AUTHOR: Chapman, Don
PUBLISHED ON: May 1, 2003
PUBLISHED IN: Bible Studies

                        THE DOCTRINE ABOUT DEMONS
                          by Pastor Don Chapman

1) Demons are angels who responded to Satan in his revolt against God. The
Word of God declares that they exist, therefore they exist.  I Kings 22:21-
23; II Chronicles 18:20-22; Matthew 25:41; Luke 8:26-40; Revelation 12:4

2) Demons are spirit beings. They are, therefore, invisible. Matthew 8:16;
10:1; 12:43,45

3) Even though they are spirit beings, demons have volition, mentality, self-
consciousness, emotions, a conscience and an old sin nature. Luke 11:24-26

4) As angels, demons speak to each other in angelic languages.  I Corinthians

5) Those demons who are not in jail waiting for the Great White Throne
judgment, Satan has organized into a spiritual army.  Ephesians 6:12; II
Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Revelation 20:13

6) The rulers in Satan’s spiritual army are called “principalities” and
“powers” in Ephesians 6:12. 

.    A) “Principalities” (GK: ARCHAS) refers to the highest ranking rulers in
Satan’s army. There are only ten of these ARCHAS demons. They are called the
“ten horns” in Revelation 12:3

.    B) “Powers” (GK: EXOUSIAS) refers to those demonic rulers who supervise
the five (5) different divisions in this army of darkness. These five
divisions are:

.      i) KOSMOKRATOR demons – their assignment is to attack (1) government
leaders, and (2) believers. They are called “rulers of the darkness of this
world” in Ephesians 6:12 and “prince” in Daniel 10:13. Their main objective,
as with all demons, is to get man to follow Satan’s policy of EVIL – his plan
to destroy the Divine Institutions: 1-Freedom; 2-Marriage; 3-The Family unit;
4-Divine Established Government. II Samuel 24:1-25; I Chronicles 21:1; II
Corinthians 2:11

.    ii) NOSOS demons – (GK:”disease or illness”) These spirits indwell
unbelievers and cause various physical and mental abnormalities. For example:
Dumbness – Mt.9:32,33; Lk 11:14; Insanity – Mt.17:14-18; Mark 7:26; Luke
4:33-36,41; Lk.8:27-39; Luke 9:38-42; Daniel 4; Physical ailments – Luke
13:10-17; etc. 

.    iii) ENGASTRIMUTHOS – (GK: “ventriloquist”) These spirits are responsible
for seances, fortune telling, and the “tongues movement”, etc. Lev.19:31;
20:6,27; Deut.18:9-14; I Chronicles 10:13; Isaiah 8:19; 19:3

.    iv) ANOMOS – (GK: “lawless”) These demons concentrate on counterfeit
religions and political false doctrine. I Kings 22:20-23; II Chronicles
18:18-22; I Corinthians 10:20; II Cor.4:4; I Timothy 4:1

.      v) MAGOS – (GK: “magician”) These spirits indwell unbelievers and
perform miracles.  Exodus 7:10-13; Mt.7:22;

7) Part of Christ’s earthly ministry before the cross included casting out
demons. As a result, those who were indwelt could use their volition to
believe in Him. Matthew 4:23-25; 8:16,28-34; 9:32-33; 12:22,etc.  NOTE: It is
impossible for a person to be saved as long as he or she is indwelt by a
demon. The spirit clouds the thinking with futilities. 

8) Part of the ministry of the Apostles included casting out demons. Acts
5:12-16; 16:16-18; 19:1-12

9) Philip the Evangelist cast out demons. Acts 8:5-8 This leads me to believe
that Pastors and Evangelists today have that same authority. The Apostles
were not the only ones who cast out demons. This point in no way authorizes
exorcism. The Bible records an incident where demons refused to obey
exorcists – Acts 19:13-20. 

10) Believers cannot be demon possessed. They can be influenced, but NEVER
indwelt by demons. Acts 5:3; II Corinthians 11:3; II Timothy 2:25-26

11) It is possible for a person to be saved who was previously demon
possessed. Mark 16:9; Luke 8:2

12) One way that demons prevent unbelievers from being saved, is to cause
them to forget the gospel before they respond to it. This is done through
influencing them to be occupied with other things. Luke 8:12 When you are
witnessing to someone and they change the subject, they are probably under
demonic attack. Pray!!! Furthermore, never apologize for repetition. It’s
the only way some people will ever be saved. 

13 There will be more demonic activity in the tribulation, than at any other
time in the history of the world. Revelation 9:20-21; 12:7-9; 16:14; 18:2

14) Believers will judge demons at the Great White Throne. I Corinthians 6:3;
Revelation 20:11-15

15) No believer need ever be afraid of demons. “…greater is the One (Holy
Spirit) in you, than the one in the world.” I John 4:4

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