Mormons believe that everyone who lives and dies on this earth
goes to a place called the Spirit Prison, except faithful
Mormons, who go to Paradise. Mormon Spirit Missionaries go down
from Paradise to the Spirit Prison and teach the Gospel of Joseph
Smith to the lost Christians and others there. Those who accept
Mormonism must remain in prison until a worthy Mormon performs
certain essential rituals, called “Ordinances” for them in one of
the Mormon Temples. Then they are released from Spirit Prison to
join the Mormons in Paradise. Since these rituals or Ordinances
require a physical body to be washed, anointed, baptised, etc.,
they can only be performed by a living person in the place and
manner prescribed by Diety, acting under Universal (Mormon)
cosmic laws.
The extent of the pressure upon worthy Mormons to return to the
Temple as often as possible to perform more of these proxy Temple
rituals is difficult to convey. They are continually reminded of
their responsibility to all of the multitude of dead persons
waiting in “Spirit Prison” for their “work” to be done. They
believe they are personally becoming “Saviors on Mount Zion” to
each individual for whom they perform these rites, and all of
those who accepted Mormonism will be waiting for them in
Paradise, to greet them and heap thanks and praise upon them for
having done this work in their behalf, which released them from
the “Spirit Prison”.
The operation of all Mormon Temples is totally dependent upon
continuing genealogical research. Mormons spend millions of
hours and scores of millions of dollars annually doing exhaustive
personal genealogical research to correctly identify their
deceased progenitors so that these secret ordinances can be
performed for them in one of the Temples. Since they do not
provide enough names to keep the Temples busy, the church has a
massive “name extraction” program which provides the bulk of the
individuals for whom patrons serve as proxies. Mormons spent
over ten million man hours, at approximately two and one half
hours per person, performing these rituals for the dead last
year. The investment of the church in genealogical facilities,
equipment, and manpower is staggering to the imagination,
employing several thousand persons, plus even more volunteers,
and hundreds of millions of dollars invested. Christian churches
kept nearly all of the early U.S. and European vital records
which are used for genealogical research. Therefore most Temple
work is being done to make dead Christians Mormons. If your
Christian ancestors were West European, or settled in the U.S. by
the early 1800’s, they probably have been or soon will be made
Mormons in one of these Temples. This unique doctrine and
practice of Mormonism attracts many converts to the church for
the sake of their unsaved, departed loved ones.
Mormons are continually reminded that their own personal
exaltation, which is equivalent to a Christians salvation, is
dependent upon their “good works”. One of these essential works
is making certain that all of the Temple Ordinances are performed
for each one of their dead ancestors which they are able, through
all diligent effort, to identify and thus qualify to receive
them. They are also responsible for doing this work for the
world’s departed masses. A lifetime of diligent church service
and good works is wasted if they neglect this responsibility to
provide these names, and perform these rituals for their dead.
Most mormons are not aware of the only New Testament references
to genealogy in Titus 3:9 and I Timothy 1:4, both of which
condemn it as foolishness and ungodly.
In Anton LeVeh’s Satanic Bible, under “Infernal Names”, “Mormon”
is listed as “God of the ghouls”, which are the living dead. His
consort is “Hecate – Goddess of the underworld and witchcraft”;
his followers are known as MORMONS. With the Mormon pre-
occupation with ancestor research and work for the dead in their
Temples, one has to question whether this is an amazing
coincidence, or one of Satan’s brash signals to the wary. Mormon
Missionaries in Hong Kong must use caution because ‘Mormon’ means
“Gates of Hell” in Chinese, another amazing coincidence, or
brash danger signal. Satan, the supreme egotist, always
trademarks his products; let the proselyte beware.
Mormons claim sole custody of the “Holy Melchizedek Priesthood”
described in the book of Hebrews. All activities of the Mormon
church function under the direction and authority of this
supposed Priesthood. Mormons claim theirs is the only authority
to act for God in the entire universe, and aggressively dispute
Roman Catholic and Masonic claims to this same Priesthood. The
Temple Rituals are called the “Higher Ordinances of the
Malchizedek Priesthood, as do all the other church auxilliary
Mormons claim to trace their “Priesthood Authority” directly to
Jesus much like they trace their ancestry through genealogy.
Every Mormon Priesthood holder has his personal “Line of
Authority” documented, and when he performed an ordinance such as
baptism, it is customary for him to present a printed copy of
this “Priesthood Lineage” to the person receiving the ordinance.
This Priesthood is bestowed upon all male members over 18 years
of age who have shown their “worthiness” by good works and
faithfulness to the Mormon Church. They receive it by “Laying on
of hands” by men who have received their Priesthood in the same
way, thus extending this “Line of Authority”. This line is
always traced back through Brigham Young, Joseph Smith and Oliver
Cowdry, and the Apostles Peter, James and John, who supposedly
brought it to Joseph and Oliver directly from Jesus Christ.
Mormons use only the authorized King James Version of the Bible
in their Missionary work and worship services. Joseph Smith’s
“Inspired Version”, which belongs to the Reorganized LDS church,
contains many substantive changes to the King James text. It is
intentionally shielded by the Utah Mormon church from public
discussion and exposure, though it is used selectively in their
teachings. The Mormon church prints and widely uses its own King
James Version containing special Mormon study guides, reference
sections, and the official LDS church name and insignia. Reading
in this official Mormon King James Missionary Bible, 1968
edition, in Hebrews, concerning the resurrected Lord and these
Priesthoods, we find that it says Jesus in NOW the sole and only
holder of the Melchizedek Priesthood, and that the Aaronic
Priesthood has been forever abolished. It states, “But this man
(Jesus), because he continueth ever, hath and unchangeable
priesthood.” (Hebrews 7:24) The footnote for ‘unchangeable’
states: “or, which passeth not from one to another* (Author’s
emphasis). The original Greek word, aparabatos, used here means
“perpetually non-transferable” or “Untransferable forever.” How
can Mormons continue passing it on anyway? By simply ignoring
their own Bible!! Since they believe it is only true as far as
translated correctly, and the Book of Mormon says it is full of
errors and ommission,they can easily ignore what they don’t like.
Please read Hebrews chapters 7 and 8 to understand how completely
defiant of God’s word the Mormon Priesthoods really are.
*This marginal note has been removed from the latest edition
Missionary Bible.
The Ordinances for living Mormons include Washing, Anointing,
Clothing in the Garment of the Holy Priesthood, and the Endow
ment. Sealings are performed for married couples, and minor
children are then Sealed to parents. Marriages are performed for
time and eternity, and under special circumstances, marriages for
time only. These ceremonies account for less than 2% of all
Temple Ordinances performed.
The ordinances for the deceased ancestors of members or names of
deceased persons provided by the temple from genealogical records
include Baptism, Confirmation of membership in the Mormon Church,
and Ordination to the Holy Melchizedek (Mormon) Priesthood for
males. All the ordinances described above for the living must
also be performed for each of the dead persons who are post
humously receiving their “Temple Blessings”. Over 98% if the
Ordinances performed are for the dead by a living Mormon proxy.
The writer performed approximately 150 Endowments for deceased
relatives and many other identified persons known to the writer,
as part of over 1000 Ordinances performed in a nearly ten year
This information is new to most of the readers of this booklet
and may be difficult to grasp at times, therefore, we have pre
pared the following overview of these Temple Ceremonies to let
you preview the activities and to concisely present the important
elements to you.
Mormons attending the Temple are called “patrons” by the Temple
staff, and will therefore be similarly designated hereafter in
this publication. Quotation marks enclose direct quotes from the
The “Pre-Initiatory Ordinances” or rituals are those that are
performed only for the dead in the Temple. Living Mormons
receive these Ordinances in their local Ward or Stake organiza
Baptism is the first ceremony performed in behalf of the dead in
the Temple. This is performed in the beautiful baptismal font
mounted on the statues of 12 full sized oxen, located in the
Temple basement.*(See figure 2) The Officiator and the patron
are in the font dressed in heavy white jump-suits. There are two
or more Witnesses observing the procedure. Often a closed cir
cuit T.V. is used to project the names of the deceased persons on
a large T.V. screen. Typically 200-300 baptisms are performed
per hour, with LDS teenagers serving as proxies to introduce them
into the Temple rituals and vicarious Ordinance work at an
impressionable age. The baptismal pronouncement is recited in
full for each baptism, and the patron is completely immersed by
the Officiator as observed and approved by the two Witnesses.