Joseph Smith The Spiritualist
AUTHOR: Branch, Rick
PUBLISHED ON: April 29, 2003
TAGS: Mormonism

Joseph Smith The Spiritualist
Rick Branch
Arlington, Texas

In the Deseret News, owned and operated by the Mormon Church, the following
article appeared.

“Joseph Smith is claimed by many spiritualists to have been a powerful medium;
and the Latter-day Saints are considered by most of them as a people who are

“Our lady correspondent (referring to a previous article in the Deseret News)
in private conversation speaks of the Prophet as a very advanced medium.

“Let it be granted that Joseph was a medium, it follows that revelations
through him ought to be entitled to as much weight as those through any other
medium, and, indeed far greater weight, for his revelations come from Jesus
Christ through the Holy Ghost; and we know of no Spiritualists who claim so
high an authority as this for their revelations.

“But Joseph was more than a medium….

“His authority was infinitely higher than that claimed by the most advanced
mediums among the Spiritaulists (sic), and the results which have followed his
revelations have been as far in advance of those which have followed theirs as
his priesthood and authority are superior to theirs,” (parentheses added for

The above lengthy statement appears in the January 19, 1870 issue which was
edited by George Q. Cannon, an apostle in the Mormon Church since August 1860.

If, indeed, Joseph Smith dabbled in the practices commonly associated with a
medium, could he honestly be a prophet called of God?

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