The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
BOOK AUTHOR: Corrie Ten Boom
PUBLISHER: Chosen Books
REVIEWD DATE: August 6, 2020
REVIEWED BY: Becca Guenther

In the Hiding Place, Corrie Ten Boom chronicles the true story of her experience in German-occupied Holland during WWII. Ten Boom was part of a deeply Christian family that owned an old-fashioned watch shop. Casper Ten Boom, the patriarch of the family, was committed to doing right by his customers and neighbors, even at his own expense. As the war progressed, the Ten Boom’s began to shelter Jews that were deemed too high-risk for others to accept. The family went so far as to build a false wall in their home, dubbed the “hiding place”. As a result, the family ended up in the hands of the Nazis in Schvenigan, a Dutch concentration camp. 

Throughout their time in prison, Corrie and her sister Betsie experienced unimaginable brutality from the German officers. Despite their trying circumstances, the sisters demonstrated unwavering obedience to God, even when risking their own lives to do so. Many times the reader will see God’s miraculous provision in response to their obedience. Eventually the sisters were transferred to another Dutch prison, showing the love of Christ to those around them and bringing many to the Lord along the way.

The Hiding Place is an incredible story of sacrificial commitment to the Lord’s direction. The Ten Boom’s take the command of “love thine enemies” to an extreme, but God’s presence is felt throughout, even in the darkest of moments. The family’s example is a serious challenge to any believer to examine our own commitment to obedience even when jeopardizing our comfort and safety. Ten Boom has written several other books since her release, including a daily devotional. I personally read this book every year to remind myself that the Lord will fulfill His commitment to provide and give us strength so long as we trust in Him.

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