Evan Roberts,1876-1951,Leader of the Welsh Revival
AUTHOR: Unknown
PUBLISHED ON: March 13, 2003
PUBLISHED IN: Biographies

Evan Roberts
Leader of the Welsh revival. Evan Roberts worked in coal
mines, but he walked in the heavenlies. Never without his Bi-
ble, he prayed and wept 11 years for revival in Wales. He en-
tered the Preparatory School for the Ministry at Newcastle,
Enlyn, when about 26.
        He never finished. Compelled by the Holy Spirit, he
returned in November, 1904, to his home village of Loughor,
to tell of Christ. And fire fell! Evan did not preach. He led
the meetings, praying, “Plyg ni, O arglwdd!” “Send us, O
Lord!” And urging, “Obey the Holy Spirit. Obey!”
        The Calvinistic Methodist church was moved until all
Loughor became a praying, praising multitude. Taverns were
emptied, brothels were closed. The churches were filled
daily. Fire spread until all Wales was brought in repentance
to its knees at the cross.
        Roberts’ life ministry was burned out in the short
months of the 1904-05 Welsh revival. Broken in health, he re-
tired from public view for the remaining half century of his

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