AUTHOR: The Gospel Tract Society
PUBLISHED ON: April 14, 2003
PUBLISHED IN: Christian Living


    Rated X


Coming Soon: HEAVEN OR HELL…. Staring Y O U !

U. S. A., in the 70’s, seems to be a society plagued with drunkenness, dope
addiction, crime, pornography, illicit sex – the likes of which would probably
make Sodom and Gomorrah blush if these cities could be resurrected to witness
what’s going on in America today.

DAILY, we hear the news and read the papers . . . telling of murders, rapes,
homosexuality, hideous crimes too awful to mention here . . .and we wonder WHY
do such things happen? The Bible tells US why, “He that soweth to the flesh
shall of the flesh reap corruption.” Gal. 6:8. LITTLE WONDER WHY THEY HAPPEN.
. . . Today we are allowing X-rated so called adult movies . . .to have free
course in our cities, towns and communities. These movies show the most
intimate of sex relations between man and woman . . . also, intimate,
unspeakable relations between members of the same sex. And, as if all this
were not bad enough, these movies show all sorts of sex crimes . . . killings.
. . murders . . . stranglings . . . chokings . . . etc. ALL THIS . . . we
allow our teen age sons and daughters to witness. Such raw acts of obscenity
and such horrible acts of criminal brutality make lasting impressions on our
young people . . . and older people, too. Satan inspired pornographic sex
merchants, with utter contempt for the well being of their country and its
citizens, have but one motive in mind – to make a dollar – and it matters not
to them that they are inspiring no telling how many of our precious young
people to go out and DO LIKEWISE (that which they see so emotionally
demonstrated in the movie). ONLY IN ETERNITY ITSELF, when the final count is
tabulated in hell someday, will it be completely known JUST HOW MANY PRECIOUS
SOULS these damnable sex movies influenced . . . and HELPED TO DAMN.

BUT WHAT CAN I DO. . .YOU ASK??? NOTHING, if you’re chicken and afraid to take
a stand . . . . BUT IF YOU’RE CONCERNED about helping influence our young
people . . . our young men . . . our young women . . . to have a wholesome
Godly community, THEN YOU CAN DO SOMETHING. First of all, thank God that the
U. S. Supreme Court has acted and passed a law that NOW PROVIDES that EACH
CITY can brand any movie obscene that it so desires… and thus have that
movie banned from being shown in that town or community in the future. WHAT
CAN I DO YOU ASK??? PLENTY. Talk to your pastor, those in your Church, your
friends, city officials . . . anyone who will listen . . . and try to arouse
them to become concerned about this terrible X-rated movie racket that is
helping send millions of precious souls to hell every year. Picket the
theaters showing these X-rated movies . . . . MAKE YOUR STAND. Let your Church
know . . . let your city . . . your community know that YOU are on God’s side
. . . and that you want the showing of these filthy, obscene, X-rated sex
movies . . . to be STOPPED.

But perhaps you are saying . . . ONE PERSON CAN’T DO ANYTHING. THEY CAN’T??
Don’t kid yourself. ONE WOMAN, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, inspired of Satan, with
her dedicated, persistent efforts, succeeded in getting prayer and Bible
reading out of our public school. WHO KNOWS . . . but what YOU, inspired by
God, could be used of God to help rid your town . . . your city . . . your
community . . . of these damnable, obscene, crime infested, X-rated movies?

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

THE MOVE . . . launch out . . . DO SOMETHING. God will bless you if you will.

The preceding has been primarily written to Christians and those who are
concerned about Christian decency in our towns and cities . . . but perhaps
SOMEONE is reading this who is not a Christian . . . . If this be your case,
let me urge YOU TODAY to repent of your sins. Jesus said, “. . . except ye
repent, ye shall . . . perish,” (Luke 1 3:3). “For all have sinned . . .” –
you, me, EVERYBODY (Romans 3:23) . . . realize that you cannot possibly save
yourself . . . next, believe what the Bible has to say in Romans 5:8-9, that
Jesus Christ, God’s Son, shed His precious Blood on Calvary’s cross to save
YOU. YES, when Jesus Christ, God’s Son died for you on the cross and save His
life’s Blood FOR YOU, that was GOD dying for YOU (II Cor. 5:19) . . . that was
GOD paying your sin debt . . . YES, salvation from an eternity of hell and a
home in Heaven someday IS GOD’S FREE GIFT . . . TO YOU . . . (Romans 6:23) . .
.and all you have to do to receive this FREE GIFT of salvation is REPENT . . .
will YOU believe . . . will YOU receive Jesus Christ into your heart as YOUR
Saviour TODAY??? If you will, we would be glad to have you write to the
address below in order that we might rejoice with you and pray for you as you
start out your new life as . . . A CHILD OF THE KING.


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