Note, this article was written some time ago, so you will have to double check the numbers to reflect inflation and tax changes. One Working Parent America is a very affluent country. Most Americans want the latest things. They want better cars,...

The Law and The Saint
The Law and The Saint A.W. Pink1. INTRODUCTIONIt has been said that every unregenerate sinner has the heart of a Pharisee. This is true; and it is equally true that every unregenerate sinner has the heart of an Antinomian. This is the character...
The Death of Compassion!
Times Square Church Pulpit Series ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Death of Compassion! By David Wilkerson February 3, 1997 A crack-addicted mother killed her own six-year-old daughter, Elisa, suffocating her with a...
TEENAGERS Are you having problems in your life? Do you have questions that no one can seem to answer? If you do, Jesus can change your life and give you the kind of happiness that you have never experienced before!!! In John 10:10 Jesus says, "......
OIL or WATER By David ButtramWhich is the Mideast's most important resource?Recent discovery reveals answer... New and important geological discoveries in the Mideast have focused the attention of many Christians on the ancient land of...
Hard Hearts in the House of God
Times Square Church Pulpit Series ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hard Hearts in the House of God! By David Wilkerson September 1, 1997What I am about to say may shock you - but I believe it with all my heart: The hardest hearts in this world...
Don’t Waste Your Afflictions!
Times Square Church Pulpit Series ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Don't Waste Your Afflictions! By David Wilkerson October 21, 1996 "I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have...
X-PRESSWAY TO HELL Rated X ADULTS ONLYComing Soon: HEAVEN OR HELL.... Staring Y O U !U. S. A., in the 70's, seems to be a society plagued with drunkenness, dope addiction, crime, pornography, illicit sex - the likes of which would probably make...
SAVAGE NOBLE OR NOBLE SAVAGE? . No one knew exactly how many Cherokees had perished in the ordeal. The trail was especially hard on babies, children, and the aged. Four thousand, nearly one fifth of the entire Cherokee...