
Length of the Plagues

Dake - The Ultimate Study BibleCommentary NotesWe're all familiar with the ten plagues that God brought on Egypt in the process of delivering the children of Israel from their bondage. But have you ever thought about how long these plagues lasted,...

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DeborahMost of the great women in the Bible either are married to a great man or related to one. Sarah is primarily known as Abraham's wife, and Miriam as Moses' sister. Even Esther, who saves the Jewish people from Haman's attempted genocide, is...

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IshmaelSon of Hagar and Abraham, Ishmael's name means "God will hear" (Genesis 16:11). Ishmael's descendants are the Arabic peoples according to both Jewish and Arab tradition. His half-brother Isaac was the father of the Jewish nation. Since...

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Grieving the Holy Spirit of God

Grieving the Holy Spirit of GodEphesians 4:29-32 (Eph 4:29-32 NASB) Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear. And...

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Chronology of Jubilees

Chronology of Jubilees Each 50th year may have been specially celebrated in ancient Israel (The last jubilee year may have been officially celebrated as late as the year 121 BCE) Sabbatical years In the late Second-Temple Era, the custom of letting...

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