<p>SERMON ON THE MOUNT... The complete Sermon on the Mount covers all of chapters 5, 6, and 7 of the book of Matthew. It will be quoted in its entirety at the end of this commentary. It is not the way of salvation for the sinner, nor...

What is the True Gospel?
WHAT IS THE TRUE GOSPEL? by Harold Camping ...
Keys to Revelation, Chapter 14
Keys to Revelation - Chapter 14 Taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (C) 1978 by the New York International Bible Society, used by permission of...
What Say the Scriptures About Hell?
What Say the Scriptures About Hell?A correct understanding of the subject of this booklet is almost a necessity to Christian steadfastness. For centuries it has been the teaching of orthodoxy, of all shades, that God, before creating man, had...
Jewish objections to Christian faith
This essay is free for distribution in any manner, with the provisionthat it remains completely intact, with this notice, the author'sname and the full text of the essay. Any comments are gratefullywelcomed. Copyright...
Let Us make man in our image
Let Us make man in our image There are several verses in the Old Testament where God speaks as a plurality. Many trinitarians quote these verses to help support the Trinity doctrine because they strongly suggest that there is more than...
The Fourfold Gospel
The Fourfold Gospel ...
Christian Doctrine, S1, SABBATH- SEPARATION
SABBATH (FESTIVALS)... The following chart is taken from "The New Unger#39;s Bible Dictionary" So also is the material covering the topics of: Sabbath (Festivals), and Sabbath Festivals (as Types). -...
Christian Doctrine, M-N, MAN- NEW COVENANT
MAN-HIS CREATION... Man was the consummation of God#39;s creation (1Corinthians 2:11-12); he was d, generally speaking, in God#39;s image and likeness (Gen 1:26-27), and specifically from the dust of the...