
The Temple of Solomon

Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to...

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Will You Enter?

Will you fulfill the destiny God has for your life? Perhaps you have never thought about it. God had a perfect plan for Moses to lead the people out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. Its been said the hardest place to score a touchdown from is...

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The Devil’s Beatitudes

1. Blessed are those who are too tired, too busy, too distracted to spend an hour once a week with their fellow Christians -- they are my best workers.2. Blessed are those Christians who wait to be asked and expect to be thanked -- I can use...

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Social Engineering for Global Change

[Note: In several places the spelling used is based on Canadian/European formats.] Fifty years is ample time in which to change a world and its people almost beyond recognition. All that is required for the task are a sound knowledge of social...

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What Are UFOs?

UFOs are strange aerial phenomena that puzzle everyone. Most people either think they are myths or that they may represent the beginning phases of what will eventually prove to be contact with advanced forms of life from outer space. Indeed, UFO...

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What is Kwanzaa

Kwanzaa (or Kwaanza) is a week-long secular holiday honoring African-American heritage, observed from December 26 to January 1 each year, almost exclusively by African-Americans in the United States of America.Kwanzaa consists of seven days of...

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On the Change of Names

Emil Schürer writes (The Literature of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus, pp. 329-331):    While this shorter explanation in a catechetical form [Questions and Answers on Genesis] was intended for more extensive circles, Philo's special and...

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The Decalogue

Emil Schürer writes: "The third chief group of Philo's works on the Pentateuch is a Delineation of the Mosaic Legislation for non-Jews. In this whole group indeed, the allegorical explanation is still occasionally employed. In the main however we...

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Christ and Culture

by Klaas Schilder, 1890-1952.Translation of Christus en CultuurISBN 0-88756-008-31. Christianity and Culture. I. Title.BR115.C8S313 261.5 C77-002118-2Copyright© G van Rongen and W. Helder, 1977A note on the text    This translation was published by...

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