by Paul A. Kienel
The author, Paul Kienel, is the Executive Director of the
Association of Christian Schools International.
p.d.-chapter 1 of REASONS FOR CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS (c) 1981 (for the
remainder of the book) by Mott Media, 1000 East Huron Street,
Milford, MI 48042, for Paul A. Kienel.
* Note:Find:*
The Christian school movement is the fastest growing
educational movement in America today. The U.S.NEWS AND WORLD REPORT
and CHRISTIAN LIFE magazines have referred to the rapid proliferation
of Christian elementary and secondary schools as the “Boom in
Protestant Schools” and “The Christian School Explosion.” Christian
schools are currently being established across the United States at
the rate of two new schools a day.
In California we average one new Christian
school each week. Obviously parents by the thousands have
opted to send their youngsters to Christian schools as opposed to
secular public schools. As a parent who sends my children to
Christian schools and speaks to thousands of parents on the radio and
on tour, permit me to share ten reasons why you should send your
children to Christian schools:
ONE: You are accountable to God for what your children are
taught in school. Proverbs 22:6 is a direct command to parents. It
says, “Train up a child in the way he should go…” What your
children are taught in school should be a direct extension of your
parental views. The teachers under whom your children are taught
should be the kind of teachers you would personally hire if your
children were being educated in your home.
TWO: Christian schools offer a better level of instruction.
There is no question about it. The test scores over a long period of
years are conclusive. The annual Stanford Achievement Test
administered to first through eighth grade Christian school students
in the western states shows these students to be seven to nineteen
months ahead of the national norm in reading, and seven to thirteen
months ahead of the national norm in all subject areas.
THREE: The Bible does not teach that children should be
exposed to all kinds of sin. We are to train “up” a child, not point
him downward. Children do not grow spiritually stronger in a
negative non-Christian environment.
Students do not become stronger Christians by
being taught non-Christian thinking, but by being
taught Christian thinking, and there is no such person as a “neutral”
school teacher who neither advances nor inhibits religion. School
represents 16% of your child’s time. It is prime time, a training
time, and Christian school education represents a positive Bible-
centered form of instruction that will build a child up in the faith-
-not tear him down. Proverbs 19:27 says, “Cease, my son, to hear the
instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge.”
FOUR: The Christian school is right for your child because
the Christian school has not cut itself off from the most important
book in the world–the Bible. Without the Bible, education is
nothing more than the blind leading the blind. Standards for
morality must be taken from Scripture alone, not from situations as
often taught in secular schools. As Theodore Roosevelt stated, “To
train a man in mind and not in morals is to train a menace to
FIVE: The Christian school provides an opportunity for your
child to witness for Christ. This surprises some people because they
assume all students in a Christian school are Christians. In most
cases a majority are Christian; however, in every Christian school
there are always some students who need the Savior. Christian
students are trained and encouraged to reach these youngsters for
Jesus Christ. Witnessing in a Christian school has the support of
parents, students, teachers, administration and the school board.
Presenting Christ as Savior is not illegal in a Christian school.
SIX: Christian school educators teach all subject matter from
a Christian context. They put the Bible at the center of the
curriculum and ask students to evaluate all they see in the world
through the eyes of God. To quote Dr. Roy Zuck,
The secular vs. Christian school issue is really a question
of whether a child will learn to view life from man’s perspective or
God’s perspective. From man’s viewpoint, history is purposeless;
from God’s viewpoint, history has meaning. From man’s viewpoint,
science is the laws of “nature” at work; from God’s viewpoint,
science is the outworking of His laws.
In a Christian school, a student is exposed to the centrality of God
in all of life. In public education, a student is legally
“sheltered” from this important dimension of education.
SEVEN: Christian schools support the family as the number one
institution of society. Christian school educators train students to
respect their parents. These educators agree with the early American
patriot, Noah Webster, who said, “All government originates in
families, and if neglected there, it will hardly exist in society.”
EIGHT: “The atheists have, for all practical purposes, taken
over public education in this country.” Shocking words, yes, but they
were spoken by a prominent public school educator, Dr.
W.P.Schofstall, former Arizona State Superintendent of Schools.
Paradoxically, many public school personnel openly support Christian
school education.
As a matter of fact, the largest group of parents who
send their children to Christian schools are public school
teachers and principals. I conducted a nationwide survey among these
public school educators. The following statement is typical of the
responses I received:
I prefer to send my children to a Christian school because
Christ is central to all information taught and caught. The public
school is basically humanistic and materialistic in its approach to
life and the fundamental questions of human existence and purpose.
The Christian school holds a unique position with the home and the
NINE: Christian school educators maintain discipline in the
classroom and on the playground. Without a reasonable standard of
discipline, the process of education is severely hampered. “For whom
the Lord loves, He disciplines…” the Bible teaches. And it is
within that context of love that discipline is carried out in a
Christian school. This important feature of education is rapidly
disappearing from the public school education. According to the
Lack of discipline in the public schools again heads the list
of problems cited most often by survey respondents. Discipline has,
in fact, been named the number one problem of the schools in seven of
the last eight years. New evidence of its importance comes from the
special survey of high school juniors and seniors. An even higher
percentage of this group names discipline as the leading problem
faced by the public school.
TEN: “We believe that our children are gifts of the Lord. We
are responsible to train them according to His Word not only at home
and in church, but in school as well.” This statement was made by a
parent in response to a question on an application form for
enrollment of his children at Delaware County Christian School in
Newtown Square, Pennsylvania.
More and more parents, especially Christian parents, are
coming to the conclusion that secular public education and most of
its teachers and principals no longer represent their personal
parental views. These parents are exercising their freedom of choice
and sending their children to Christian schools and colleges.
Note: The first chapter of this book has over the past two years been
published in newspapers and national magazines for a total
circulation of more than one million copies. It first appeared in
1975 in Dr. Clyde Narramore’s magazine PSYCHOLOGY FOR LIVING. Then
Dr. Jerry Falwell secured permission to publish it in his national
publication FAITH AFLAME.
It appeared later in several denominational
publications and a variety of newspapers. Because of
its wide circulation I do not claim copyright. This of course does
not pertain to the remaining chapters. Most chapters of this book
have appeared in recent issues of a one page publication called
CHRISTIAN SCHOOL COMMENT. They were originally written with this book
in mind. Each chapter has been updated, rewritten and rearranged to
fit the sequential needs of this volume.
The TABLE OF CONTENTS of the rest of the book:
1) Ten Reasons Why You Should Send Your Child to a Christian School
2) Monday School vs. Sunday School
3) Should Parents Shelter Their Children from the Real World?
4) Questions Reporters Ask About Christian Schools
5) The Day the Ohio Supreme Court Voted Yes for Christian Schools
6) Christian Schools Train Youngsters to Think ‘Christianly’
7) Ten Ways to be a Super Parent
8) Seven Keys to Family Discipline
9) How Important is the Christian School to the Church, the Christian
College and to the American People?
10) Should Christian School Parents Get Involved in Political
11) Six Reasons Why Christians Should Give to Christian Schools
12) Education Beyond the Three “R’s”
13) Trends in Public Education
14) Trends in Christian School Education
15) Statements from Prominent Americans About Christian Schools
Recommended further reading from Mott Media, 1000 East Huron,
Milford, MI 48042:
Four Trojan Horses of Humanism, by Harry Conn.
The Separation Illusion, by John Whitehead. Refutes the
commonly-held belief that religion must be separated from government
and applies this discussion to the court decisions on prayer and
Bible reading in public schools.
Are Textbooks Harming Your Children?, by James Hefley.
Shocking quotes of the materials discovered by the Gablers in their
reviews of public school texts. Information is given on how you,
parents like themselves, can take action to improve American
How To Tutor, by Samuel L. Blumenfeld. The book is divided
into four parts; how to qualify as a tutor, reading primer, writing
primer, and arithmetic primer. Useful for tutoring children at the
preschool level as a preventive measure during the first two grades
of public school as a supplement to the child’s instruction, or for
use in remedial instruction at any grade level.
A Christian Approach to Education, by H.W.Byrne. An
outstanding survey of the basic theories of Christian education.
This is a new approach based on Biblical principles and compares the
secular and Christian views of education prevalent today.
Asking Questions: A Classroom Model for Teaching the Bible,
by D.Bruce Lockerbie. Each question leads to a variety of responses
intended to teach, first, what the text says; then, what it means;
and finally how its principles apply to Bible readers today.
Handbook on Athletic Perfection, by Wes Neal. “The perfect
athletic performance can only be experienced by the Christian athlete
controlled by the Holy Spirit who has been sent by God to develop
Jesus Christ’s attitudes and actions in your athletic performance as
well as your entire life.” Biblical premise for every principle
stated and practical applications of those principles.
Handbook on Coaching Perfection, by Wes Neal. Thesis is “use
me Lord to draw recognition back to you.” Emphasis is on seeking
what Scripture says then doing things (even coaching) God’s way.
Excellent gift for coaches, athletes.
Teach Them Diligently, A Devotional Guide for Teachers Who
Care, by Arthur Nazigian. Presents concisely many ways to identify
the blessings of God in your educational ministry. You will be
blessed each time you meditate through the book.
Teacher’s Report Card, by Mary Vandermey. A collection of
short, warming and insightful vignettes about children and real
teachers. Each chapter provides the reader with encouragement and
inspiration from the Scriptures.
FACS–Fundamentals for American Christians, by Russ Walton,
Basic Biblical principles of government that should be fundamentals
for American Christians.
Christian Biographies for Young Readers:
Christopher Columbus, by Bennie Rhodes. An exciting book
about a Christian explorer who sought to discover new lands to spread
the gospel at the risk of shipwreck, disease, and personal failure.
Robert E. Lee, by Lee Roddy. A Christian of impeccable
character, Lee became one of the most respected men in America–even
in the face of defeat.
Abigail Adams, by Evelyn Witter. The story of the wife of
America’s second President whose personal faith in Christ kept her
strong in a young war-torn nation.
George Washington, by Norma Cournow Camp. The story of the
first President who was not a great preacher or Bible scholar, but
who patterned his own life around the Bible lessons he studied daily.
He was a sower of seeds of faith and courage.
Johannes Kepler, by John Hudson Tiner. This giant of faith
and science considered his scientific studies to be another way of
looking into God’s creation.
Isaac Newton, by John Hudson Tiner. Here is the life story
of the astronomer and mathematician who discovered the law of gravity
and who was a devout, Bible-believing Christian.
Abraham Lincoln, by David J. Collins. A true sower of faith
and freedom, this biography describes Abe’s experiences in his search
for an understanding of God.