
You are anointed of God

Introduction: God has anointed you so that you may be equipped for every good work: to resist evil, to know the truth, to preach the Word, to be able to pray, to have fellowship with God. . . . expound on this.  1. You are anointed of God.       ...

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Rules for Judging

Rules for Judging John 7:24Christians are expected to judge people, places, and things (I Cor. 2:15), but there are certain rules that we must follow:    1. Judge scripturally - Isa. 8:20    2. Do not judge when God's word is silent - Col. 2:16   ...

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Fools in the Eyes of Jesus

Fools in the Eyes of JesusFive times in the Bible Jesus chose to address people as "fools":    1. The Careless Fool - Mat. 7:24-27    2. The Hypocritical Fool - Mat. 23:17-19    3. The Sleeping Fool - Mat. 25:1-8    4. The Materialistic Fool - Luke...

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The Believers Joy

The Believers JoyPhilippians 1:1-30         Intro: In this chapter Paul mentions Joy, Rejoicing and Gladness.John 15:11- These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you,and that your joy might be full.There are 4 things that...

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There is Power in the Blood

“THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD”Hebrews 9: 20-28I. Power to REDEEM  a. Ephesians 1:4-7  b. Redemption – to tear loose: a ransom, Deliverance from the enslavement    of sin and release to a new freedom by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. II. Power to...

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How To De-Stress For Success

HOW TO DE-STRESS FOR SUCCESSMatt. 11:28-30Seven Principles for De-Stressing. Identification: I Must Know Who I Am. "I am One who bears witness of Myself, and the Father who sent Me bears witness of Me." John 8:18 NKJV Dedication: I must Know Who I...

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In the Garden

TEXT:  John 20:1-16INRODUCTION:  A. THERE IS NO QUESTION OF THE BEAUTY OF THIS SONG – EMOTIONAL.  B. WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT, IS IT SCRIPTURAL?  In answer to a request.  C. BACKGROUND:    Written in 1912 by C. Austin Miles.    For information on the...

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Teaching The Teacher

Teaching The Teacher(Luke 24:13-24)Introduction:1. If given the opportunity, what would you say about Jesus to a stranger?2. This happened in Luke 24...not only did it happen, but the stranger justhappened to be Jesus himself.3. Let us examine...

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